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Re: [Amps] working backwards to setup tank

Subject: Re: [Amps] working backwards to setup tank
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:02:07 EDT
List-post: <>
In a message dated 04/18/06 18:17:18 Eastern Standard Time, 

That  reminds me about an interesting incident with a MFJ antenna analyzer. 
Our  club had just put up an new 2 meter repeater antenna. They had made 
some  adjustments to it in one of the member's back yard with it on a short  
mast. When they took it to the site and installed it the MFJ analyzer was  
pegged indicating a very high SWR.  They were at a loss as to what  had gone 
wrong with the antenna. After hearing about their problem I  informed them 
that there were some high power pager antennas only a few  hundred feet 
away. I suggested that they check it again with a real  swr/power meter. The 
problem was that the antenna was picking up the 150  MHz signals from the 
near by paging transmitters, and since there was more  power flow from the 
antenna to the analyzer than the in the forward  direction the analyzer 
thought the was SWR greater than infinity to  one.
Bill wa4lav

Yep.  Sorta ditto here.
I'm the AEC for the county ARES/RACES group.  I had put together a new  fan 
dipole (80m/60m/40m) for installation at the Government Services bunker, but  I 
wanted to give it a pre-test in the back yard.  I hauled it up the extra  
tower halyard, and lifted the ends into my trees.  Fired up the MFJ-269 and  
proceeded to take some measurements.
Very strange!  The measurements kept jumping in random excursions of  
variable amplitude.  
Yeah, it was kinda cloudy.  And rain had been predicted to be arriving  soon. 
But the amplitude of the jumps seemed to be increasing.  Increasing to  the 
point of concern.  Bad coax?  Wet coax?  Tree branches  touching?  And then the 
rumbles starting to roll in.
As the spikes started to peg the meter, I figured it was kinda prudent to  
terminate the test, strike the halyard, lay the antenna to the ground, and get  
my butt inside (just before the sky opened up.
The MFJ makes a wonderful RF field sniffer.
Unca Billy
Chester County (PA) A/R AEC
PS --- The fan is still going gang-busterz.  Required no retuning when  
strung from the rooftop tower over to the main comm tower.  Operates  
wonderfully @ 
the design and harmonic freqs.
Better public service auxiliary comms thru fine ham engineering.   HIHI.   
Sidenote:  Consider fans for efficiency and quick QSY.  No trap  losses.  No 
relays.  No manual switches to forget to throw.   HIHI.
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