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Re: [Amps] More information for "What NOT to buy"..

To: "Clint Talmadge" <>,"Amps" <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] More information for "What NOT to buy"..
From: "EP Swynar" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 14:12:40 -0400
List-post: <>
Hi Clint,

Here's a radical question for you to ponder:


If you're serious about wanting " learn", you'll do just that, and in
spades too!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clint Talmadge" <>
To: "Amps" <>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 1:39 PM
Subject: [Amps] More information for "What NOT to buy"..

> I have received some great responses to my post.   W1NR sent wonderful
information on different tubes that will prove to be invaluable.  Others
have sent specific amps to avoid and why I should do so, and this is exactly
what I was looking for.
> In response to my first post Bob, W9GE asked some valid questions.  I
thought I would post them here since others may have the same questions.
> Bob asked:
> "What bands do you want it to operate on?"
> Answer: I am not looking for a band specific amp. While I would like to
use it on the usual Ham Bands, I am not tied to one band.  If the amp did
not work on 160M or 10M it would not eliminate it for me.
> Bob asked:
> "What modes do you want it to operate on?"
> SSB & CW mostly. I do some RTTY but that is not a requirement.
> Bob asked:
> "Are you a contest op?"
> Not a serious one. I do operate the contests, but just for the contacts,
not the score (Sweepstakes being the exception, but I don't NEED and amp for
> Bob asked:
> "How much power do you want to run?  "
> Legal Limit is not a consideration. I want to learn about amps.
> Bob asked:
> "Do you have a 240VAC dedicated line to operate it from?  "
> Yes.
> Bob asked:
> "Do you want an autotune amp and if not how quickly can you tune it up?
(will be easier to eliminate some tubes based on your answer) "
> No. In fact I think an Autotune amp would confuse the issue more than help
it.  A No-Tune amp such as an AL600 would be O.K. but I don't think there is
much of a learning curve on a Solid State amp.
> Bob asked:
> "How much desk/rack/floor space do you have available? "
> Lots. Space is not a consideration.
> Bob asked:
> "Is a separate HV PS important to you?  Do you need or want qsk? "
> No and no.
> I appreciate his questions and the warning about the Kenwood TL-922.
> Still learning,
> Clint - W5CPT
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