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[CQ-Contest] Re: Last 2

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: Last 2
From: kl7fh@customcpu.com (Chris Hurlbut)
Date: Wed Jul 28 15:22:30 1999
I am reminded of a 15m ssb pile up recently into Europe late at night.  It
was an unruly pile up, one of the biggest I have ever had.  So big in fact,
that I had to listen up because it just sounded like really bad static on
the frequency.  I would say that about 80% of the pile up was "last twoers"
  It really bugged me, so I asked for full calls only.  It worked great for
about 5 qso's.  Then others who never heard the announcement kept sending
last 2.  For some reason, the last twoers were the loudest, so I worked
them so I could get to some other guys.  I finally got bored with that pile
about 300 q's later, and went to 15 CW.  A few stations that I worked
earlier followed, but mostly it was all new stations.  Not once did I have
the "Last Two" and my rate was plenty high.  The CW pileup was a lot more
fun too.  
I guess what I am trying to say is, is that when the last two get bad
enough to where I can't stand it, I go to CW.
Usually I am on CW anyway, because, as we all know, CW rules.  
See you in NAQP!
-Chris WL7KY

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