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Re: [CQ-Contest] Cluster network update - was: Reverse Beacon Network -

To: K1TTT <K1TTT@arrl.net>, CQ-Contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Cluster network update - was: Reverse Beacon Network - too much success?
From: Luc PY8AZT <py8azt@dxbrasil.net>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 11:25:18 -0300
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

You put DXCluster future in perspective. Yes, I agree, This 40 years
old tecnology developed to run over packet radio has no fixing fo

> The only way I can see the existing network going away is to design a new
> system from the ground up that includes strong backbone security, not too
> complicated but secure user identification, and all the other features that
> everyone wants to enable opting in/out of spotting, filters, larger volumes
> of spots, elimination of bottlenecks and loops, must run on various versions
> of windows, linux, mac's, must include telnet, rf, web, and some kind of new
> secure user access for future expansion, must include localized language
> capabilities and built in translation of talk/announce/comments, use the new
> non-ascii url system, accommodate skimmer spots automatically, allow Unicode
> character sets, email and bulletin distribution, emergency disaster
> overrides, etc, etc, etc.  And then of course all the user logging and other
> access programs will have to update to handle whatever the authentication
> system is.  This is obviously not a simple project... and it won't make the

I'm not a Geek (ah, I'm ham radio anyway), but reading this
requirements for the new network, it looks like something that has
been arround for while: Twitter network.

So, I wonder if we can use a Twitter API to setup a parallel network
to transport DX Spots. It is very well docummentaded and integrated it
to log software won't be hard.
140 caracters is just enough to send a spot, just like it is now.

73, Luc
ZY7C Team member
PT7AG (also PY8AZT, PX8C, ZZ8Z)
LABRE, ARRL, Uirapuru DX Club & ADXG Member
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