On 9/15/2017 11:20 AM, donovanf@starpower.net wrote:
Your 1/2 mile RF flooding RFI experience is similar to mine. I've only
been able to resolve a few RF flooding RFI cases from nearby homes.
In each case the problem was a wall wart, especially Apple iPhone
and iPad wall warts.
In my own home, I've replaced all SMPS wall warts with vintage linear
wall warts. Those vintage supplies are often found in second hand stores
and at hamfests for a buck or so each. In the "killing RX Noise"
applications note, I outline methods for doing this that can be
implemented if you can first make a survey of the offending home, then
return with a suitable replacement. An important part of this is to
learn how by doing it in your own home first.
Also -- ferrite chokes on wiring that receives our TX RF and re-radiates
the distortion can also help, and are minimally invasive.
And thank you very much for publishing what you've learned on this
issue. I incorporated your work, with credit, into both the 2-part NCJ
article and my talks at ham events. Visiting with N6TV at W7RN last fall
during the last hours of CW SS, I observed the problem in Bob's
headphones. Your posting of that was key to my identifying it.
One of the worst unresolvable problems is smoke detectors permanently
connected to AC power wiring. I can correct them in my own home,
but for obvious reasons not in neighboring homes.
The "home security" and aftermarket telephone industries have long been
among the most backward of all with respect to good engineering practice.
73, Jim
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