----- Original Message -----
From: "DJ3IW Goetz" <dj3iw@t-online.de>
> I found this in my UBN:
> Bad or non verifiable Zones excluded from the score:
> QSO: 3500 RY 2001-09-29 2200 DJ3IW 599 14 DX RW9WA 599 17
> Can someone explain to my, why zone 17 is no good for RW9WA?
Sure, it is pretty simple really. The log checking software uses the CQ
Zone placement criteria laid out in the CQ WAZ awards program. After all,
they created the WAZ program and they are a major sponsor, right?
" Zone 16. Eastern Zone of Europe: UR?UZ, EU-EW, ER, UA1, UA3. UA4, UA6, UA9
(S,W). US, UC, UO, and R1M (M V, Island) "
" Zone 17. Western Zone of Siberia: EZ, EY, EX, UA9 (A, C, F, G. J. K, L. M,
Q. X) UK, UN-UQ, UH, UI and UJ-UM "
Eddie Schneider.