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Re: [RTTY] FTDX 5000 and MMTTY/N1MM

To: "Steve **KT0DX**" <kt0dx@comcast.net>, "Rtty Contesting Reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] FTDX 5000 and MMTTY/N1MM
From: "Robert Chudek - K0RC" <k0rc@citlink.net>
Reply-to: Robert Chudek - K0RC <k0rc@citlink.net>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 09:15:00 -0500
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>

If you're using N1MM for contesting you should have no problem running the 
MMTTY module from within that contest logger. In this case, running MMTTY in 
standalone mode (for contesting) is irrelevant. The software drivers in N1MM 
will take care of communicating with your transceiver and MMTTY.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve **KT0DX**" <kt0dx@comcast.net>
To: "Rtty Contesting Reflector" <rtty@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2010 8:44 AM
Subject: [RTTY] FTDX 5000 and MMTTY/N1MM

>I have moved from a FT1000MP to a FTDX5000 radio and now I have to
> re-configure all my software for the new radio.  With the FT1000MP I was
> using N1MM and MMTTY with no problem.  Now I wonder if I will be able to
> use MMTTY any more since this radio is not supported in MMTTY.  To be
> honest I have not played with  the set up above as I am awaiting a
> Microkeyer II to replace the RIGBlaster plus that I now have.
> Is there anyone on this reflector who has used the FTDX5000 on RTTY in a
> contest who can give me an idea of what programs to use to get back into
> the contest scene?  I believe this issue may come up more often with new
> radios appearing and MMTTY not keeping up with the changes.  What I see
> is needed is someone or a few people to team up and update MMTTY or
> design a new RTTY decoder program or we could see a decline in RTTY
> contesting from the people who upgrade radios to use the latest
> developments to increase their score and enjoyment of RTTY contesting.
> I may be all wet but from where I am sitting today I can not see any
> other way around what could be a  problem.
> Steve
> (KT0DX)
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