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[TowerTalk] Using US Tower HDX-572MDPL Raising Fixture

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Using US Tower HDX-572MDPL Raising Fixture
From: "Dr M J DiGirolamo" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 20:26:30 -0400
List-post: <>
Hi Gang,

        Some 10 days ago I used a crane to set my US Tower HDX-572MDPL to its

        Today I tilted it over using the "raising & lowering fixture" so I could
mount the rotator and set the mast in place.  However, I stumbled upon the

        After removing all but the two hinging bolts, the tower did not want to
tilt on its own.  Tower was without a mast or antennas on it.  I ended up using
both a crow and lever bar to encourage it to tilt over.  I'd estimate it was as
much as 10 degrees off normal before there was enough lateral force component
for the tower to lower on its own as I let the cable out.

        Questions:  Is this normal?  Are there those with experience who would
share how they deal with this situation? 


Mike DiGirolamo, W4XN
Charlottesville, VA



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