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Re: Topband: Rig Question

Subject: Re: Topband: Rig Question
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:27:46 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 6/19/2014 9:05 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
Is my P3 Monitor worth it. Yes. necessary no. Does it allow me to work DX faster yes. Pretty handy knowing exactly where the last guy the dx just worked was or the pattern the dx uses or finding holes in the pileups.

Yes, and it's also indispensable on 10M and above. During contests and the summer sporadic-E season, my P3 is on it's widest setting -- 200 kHz -- set to display 50,080 kHz to 50,280 kHz. I see CW activity, SSB activity, and JT65 activity.

How many rigs have true diversity receive? One? Does it help? It sure does. W6AM was using this long ago on his rombic farm. Does everyone need it? No.

It's wonderful on topband, and very nice up to 30M.

Phase noise in a MM situation can be awful. K3's have minimized this. Many of the big dxpeditions are only taking K3's because of this and the best receiver available. When you have the world calling you do need the best.

And please don't forget about TX phase noise, where the K3 is 20 dB better than most rigs. Using a K3 makes you a much better neighbor. K6XX is 3 miles from me with K3s and legal limit tube amps. We can work 500 Hz apart on CW and barely know the other is there. KE1B is 8 miles from me with a 7600 and legal limit amp. He chews up 10 kHz of at least whatever CW band he's on, and nearly twice that on SSB.

73, Jim K9YC

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