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Re: Topband: What antenna would you build?

To: Topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: What antenna would you build?
From: Bob Kile <>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 21:15:05 +0000
List-post: <>
Hi Dino,

You did not mention cost as a factor in consideration of a vertical array.  On 5 acres a good full sized vertical and KW with a good effort in ground system would likely do the job. A strong effort in low noise RX antennas would be required because a single vertical won't cut the job in that respect.

On a well sited 5 acres you could fit a 4 SQ array or a 5 el K5ZN system.

I would suggest that 1/4 wave towers are not needed in vertical arrays if overall cost is a factor. I have successfully used 43ft push up masts for almost 20 years at my remote. The driven and parasitic masts  have two top loading wires about 75ft long hung inverted V style with a small tuning inductor at the base. Feed point impedance is about 12.5 Ohms matched by un-un.  A full sized massive ground system is required to optimum coupling of elements which is no small undertaking.

The advantage of 3el end-fire or 4 element end-fire arrays is you do not need a lot of separate low RX antennas unless station is set up for multiple operators. They have a very decent RDF figure. This of course depends on your noise environment. there are no separate RX antennas at W7RH remote.

Again as suggested refer to ON4UN Low band DXing. Check out K7CA/ N7JW RX arrays which are also used for transmitting.

Also see my site at


Bob W7RH

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