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RE: [TowerTalk] Chicago Tribune news: Ham radio tower has the OKsignal

To: "'Alan NV8A (ex. AB2OS)'" <>,<>
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] Chicago Tribune news: Ham radio tower has the OKsignal
From: "Noel" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 11:35:08 -0600
List-post: <>
When I lived in Florida I saw lots of those "look-a-like" developments.
I always said one had better not come home drunk late at night.  You
might find it difficult to know which house is yours...  A friend of
mine paid over $250K for his cookie cutter home in one of those HOA
subdivisions.  Had to keep the grass at a certain height, no campers on
the driveway etc, etc.  The lot is so small you can almost touch the
neighbor's house from the property line.  But they like where they live.
I opted for a two acre lot with no controls for less than $200K.
Comparable houses, but more freedom.  Where I live now, I made sure I'd
have the freedom to put up my antennas without any HOA interference as a
condition of purchase. So far so good. Can some neighbor complain some
day, sure.  But the city office said go ahead as long as you keep the
structure under 70 feet.  No permit required.  So the tower's been up
for about two months now with the antenna at 64 feet.  Keeping my
finger' crossed.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan NV8A (ex.
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Chicago Tribune news: Ham radio tower has the

Back in the UK about 50 years ago, when we saw rows of houses pretty 
much all the same design and color (except for different color front 
doors, perhaps), we knew what they were: "council houses" (i.e., public 
rental housing).

In Brisbane, Australia, even the Housing Commission estates (again 
public rental housing) exhibited more variety of design and color than 
most of these new "upscale" subdivisions. And when it came time for them

to be repainted, I think the tenants had some say in the color.

It beats me why people that can choose where to live opt for these 
look-alike monstrosities.

Alan NV8A
(long-ago VK4AFE)

On 09/24/04 04:10 pm put fingers to keyboard and 
launched the following message into cyberspace:

> Hams deserve to be protected, not because of their emergency 
> communications, but because our neighbors should not be able to tell 
> us what to do with our property except for health and safety issues.  
> They should be allowed to require "reasonable" safety standards, but 
> prohibiting  If this is allowed, why not allow my 
> neighbor to dictate what color paint I can use, what type of 
> architecture I can use, what color draperies, etc.  It sounds like a 
> planned development.  There are lots of people that willingly move 
> into planned developments with all of their ridiculous rules.  Leave 
> the rest to those of us that prefer freedom to neighborhood control!!!

> If my neighbor wants to live in a cookie cutter neighborhood and wants

> to dictate every aspect of his neighbors existence, then there are 
> numerous planned developments in which he can do so.  In fact, in this

> area it's nearly impossible to find a home built in the last 30 years 
> that doesn't have an anti-antenna CC&R and/or an HOA.  For every 
> "free" neighborhood, there are probably half a dozen HOA controlled 
> neighborhoods.  Trust me, people like that have a lot more places (and
nicer ones in most cases) to choose from.  Leave my neighborhood to
those that prefer "personal property rights" to HOA control!!!!

See:  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless
Weather Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with
any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.

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See:  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless Weather 
Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any questions 
and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.

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