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Re: [TowerTalk] Mosley Antenna Question

To: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Mosley Antenna Question
From: Courtney Judd <>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 15:20:26 -0600
List-post: <">>
well I guess I knew that my post would stir up the proverbial hornets nest but my comparison was with 3 different hams all within a 30 mile radius using identical rigs and different antennas; one of which was a Mosley. Obviously antennas all work to some degree and some are just not as "great" as others. My first ever yagi was one I made when I went from novice to general in 1960 up in Ohio. It was a 2 el 15 with a wooden boom and wooden el supports. Did it work? Yes. Was it the best antenna ever.... not by a long shot, but it was my love at the time. My next experience was with the Gotham tribander 3 el with wire beaters at the el tips.... Cadillac city at the time but it worked but a long way from optimum. The WB4 I cited with the Mosley antenna just was not able to accept the fact that he had an antenna that worked ok but not as good as his neighbors setups. It worked fine for local and stateside but simply was not a good long haul dx antenna. At that time there was a lot of antenna comparisons going on with the guys in the dx community and the Mosley boys usually came out on the bottom. Just the way it was. As long as one is happy with what he has , then I think that is the way to go! The tornadoes that came thru Alabama several years ago took all my monobanders down and I ended up just putting a KT36XA back up. It works quite well but not like the monobanders. But I am happy with it! Everyone should be happy that they have an outdoors antenna regardless of how well it is perceived to work... a lot stuck in apartments! I hope that I did not cause too much up-roar, just wanted to put my experiences out there... lol, 73's Cort K4WI
Roger (K8RI) on TT <>
Thursday, February 19, 2015 1:03 PM
I look at it a bit differently. He and the other DXers had experience and skill that the typical ham does not. It take skill "on both ends" to discern that tiny difference. You see it on FD where one ham can work 'em and the one beside him can't hear them. Same signal, same rig.
To get that much difference in coax, it takes cheap coax, or long runs 
for loss to get to 3db.
At 220 feet I run LMR600.  Tried, but couldn't find any 7/8th Heliax I 
could afford in the area and I needed 2 runs.

Roger (K8RI)


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