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[CQ-Contest] USA WRTC 2002 Team Selections

Subject: [CQ-Contest] USA WRTC 2002 Team Selections
From: k1my@qwest.net (Bruce Makas)
Date: Mon May 14 18:15:47 2001
Couldn't disagree more with you, Jeff. This is not a "touchy fealy" feel
good event. It is a world championship contest. You enter to win and to win
we enter the best competitors that we have. Period.

73, Bruce K1MY

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest@contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Jeffrey Clarke
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 8:26 AM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] USA WRTC 2002 Team Selections

I hope when each contest club selects their list of candidates for
the WRTC-2002 (the USA teams) that they consider some of the good
operators who have not got the chance to participate in the past WRTC
events. I did a quick look at the results of the last 3 WRTC events and
there are 3 operators who have got to operate at all 3 WRTC's. There
are 14 that have done at least 2 of the 3 WRTC's. Many of these same
contesters along with those who have got to operate in one WRTC have
thrown their names in the hat
again for WRTC-2002. ( see http://www.contesting.com/wrtc2002/list)

   Some of my contesting friends have called the WRTC operating event
a " good old boys club" because many of the same people get chosen to
go each time. By including some of the up and coming contesters who
have shown interest in your list (instead of choosing the regulars) you
can prove these guys wrong. The WRTC's are as much of a social event as
it is an operating event and by giving more people the chance to
experience it will make it better for all of us....

                                      Jeff  KU8E

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