Those poor operators you heard , were just that !!!
Nothing else , the cluster didnt MAKE them call all the time,
they personnally decided to do so ..... They have no pileup
skills at all.....
Its like saying all Eastern Europeans run 10 kw..... it is
These call all time operators lack any sort of skill that is
required in this matter.
Blameing the clusters for people who are rude and ignorant
is wrong. Many of us , use the cluster and we really do care how
we call in a pileup. When running the pileups at 40 wpm ve my call
I gave my call everytime.....
Put the blame where it belongs , on those rude operators...
Glenn VA3DX
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jukka Klemola" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Rising IQ This Year
>I noted a definite rise in the average IQ in this years bash... (IQ =
Idiot >Quotient)
>The DX station answers the howling pack with "N2?" and gets dozens of
>alphabetically challenged US stations calling him right over top of the
>"N2..." station - and not one of them has an N or a 2 in their
>call... Given that the IQ's do not have a receiver that works I
am baffled >how they found the DX in the first place or how they intend
to copy him if >he does answer them...
>The DX station picks "k8do" out of the chaos gives me his exchange -
the >pack keeps on howling - I squirt my exchange and before he
can "qsl", the >pack then descends in full fury totally covering up the
DX - even while he >is transmitting as nothing slows the IQ's down...
By the time the pack lets >up enough to let me hear him again he is
working someone else... I don't >know if he acknowledged me or not...
IQ into power of two!
OH0V finds a weak station giving a report.
Zone 21!
The European station answers the high-IQ station.
At the same time the European alphabetically challenged begin howling.
The zone 21 says tu .. I can just hear the tu.
The howling goes on.
I listen to the zone 21 station if there is somebody he wants to work.
Finally, there is a report.
The eternal pileup continues.
The zone 21 says again just tu.
..this repeats for at least 15 QSOs in a row.
OH0V goes to fill the coffee machine.
OH0V speaks fowl language while standing outside in the rain in complete
Isolated, far from households.
Far far away from home and family.
He stands on the 300ft tall rock, above the Ă…land waters.
The operator decides to write to CQ contest reflector about the highly
IQ-blessed, yet extremely operatingly skilled stations of his feelings.
He sure feels his sore butt.
Front of the groin hurts, too.
His jaw is in pieces.
He feels mentally and physically broken.
How come the people at the other end, the high-IQ station with skills of
operating at 39WPM easily .. how is it possible he allows the cluster
using folks benefit so much over the poor chap who would like to hear
the station callsign...
How come he feels so dishonoured by some of the best operators there
OK - there is the pileup and rate would hurt from some 80 Q/h to 77Q/h
if the zone 21 station would send his callsign every three or four QSOs.
He thinks the callsign should be sent at least once per two minutes.
OH0V feels sorry for himself and decides to continue his search for
The coffee is blended with rain water anyway.
Or were those his tears, he thinks, and pours the black liquid on the
OH0V finds another station on the band.
This one is also in zone 21.
This pileupist clearly tells up1. This zone 21 station sends his
callsign nearly every QSO .. in two QSOs of three or so.
The pileup is as large as the other station has, but this pileup
The stations in the pileup are somewhat the same.
This IQ-challenged station has a rate clearly over 100Q/h.
How come?
OH0V gets the multiplier and feels happy about his CQWW CW again.
When tuning upwards, there is the zone 33 station that OH0V has never
heard sending his call.
The zone 33 station replies ee to everybody.. not tu.
The zone 33 station sends report in bigger speed than he sends the EU
stations callsigns.
The zone 33 station must be am extremely talented person.
He likely has won CQWW CW, he works so efficiently.
But what is that super-IQ station's call, thinks OH0V.
He just had his doze of coffee.
There is no medicine for this one station, in zone 33.
...I hope this helps all of us in the coming contests so the stations
who claim and even preach preach about themselves not using spotting
network. They should behave in a way that they would stop kicking the
free-of-spotting-networks colleagues in butt, groin and face...
Jukka OH6LI
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