Well stated Al, so let's hear what TT has that is even better!
There are no perfect radios, TT or otherwise, but there will be
newer radios, and hopefully better radios in the future.
Considering the recent work of K9YC, will the new TT gear be even
"cleaner" on transmit, I would hope that to be true too.
The Orion and Orion II are gone, what will be the TT replacement
for this specific market segment? (Will there be a replacement?)
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
73 de Billy, AA4NU
----- Original Message -----
From: "Al Gulseth" <wb5jnc@centurytel.net>
I think it's good to discuss this as a "real world" exercise in knowing what
the competition is doing. To sell a radio to a non-brand loyal ham, TT has to
be aware of things like Sherwood's chart in terms of design, pricing, etc.
Just my $0.02 worth.
73, Al
On Wed December 10 2014 7:09:10 pm Carl Moreschi wrote:
> Why is the Kenwood radio being discussed on this forum?
> Carl Moreschi N4PY
> 58 Hogwood Rd
> Louisburg, NC 27549
> www.n4py.com
> On 12/10/2014 7:25 PM, Don Rasmussen via TenTec wrote:
> > I read the upconversion is on 10m and 12m, also anytime the selected
> > bandwidth is>2.7Khz. But - it does not have a second receiver or dual
> > watch.
> >
> >
> > SG includes roofing filters. Probably a good value and a hassle free
> > setup for guys that might find themselves on a contest band but not
> > contesting themselves...
> >
> >
> > ================================
> >
> > On the WARC bands and 10M, the Kenwood rx uses upconversion and
> > performance isn't close to the Orion. Barry N1EU
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