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Re: [Amps] Clipperton-L parasitic suppressors

Subject: Re: [Amps] Clipperton-L parasitic suppressors
From: Tim Long <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 17:29:54 -0500
List-post: <">>
Hi Larry,
Yes, indeed they are 100 ohm, 2W, carbon composition.  Carbon 
composition resistors are hard to find.  Ceramic composition resistors 
are a good substitute.  I just ordered some myself from Mouser - they're 
Ohmite P/N - OY101KE.  I doubt the diameters will be the same.  The 
stock suppressor coils had 6 turns of 16 or 18 AWG on the resistor 
body.  I think 4 turns of 1/2 inch diameter is pretty close.  I used 14 AWG.
Good luck & 73, Tim, W2UI

On 3/12/2010 4:33 PM, Larry wrote:
> I have cleverly filed my Clipperton-L doc. I am hoping someone can help. The 
> parasitic
> suppressor resistors have broken. I believe they are 100 ohm 2W composition. 
> Can
> anyone confirm the value? I am not sure what caused the breakage at this 
> point.
> 73, Larry  W6NWS
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