I'm sorry but the following statement is blatantly wrong "I discovered
every bit of info they glean is theirs -- never to be destroyed..."
Please read the Facebook Terns of Use - Statement of Rights and
Responsibilities. Specifically section 2 regarding your Intellectual
Property rights.
*"2. Sharing Your Content and Information*
You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you
can control how it is shared through your privacy
<https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=privacy> and application
settings <https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=applications>."
Within Section 2 are five statements that provide additional
information, including granting Facebook a non-exclusive use of your
content. This temporary license ends when you delete your content. They
"own" nothing. They have permission from you to "use". Subsection 2 also
describes the purging details and that backup copies within their system
will eventually purge and are not available to others.
Don't make stuff up and try to pass it off as "authentic"!
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
On 2/23/2014 8:19 PM, Phil Sussman wrote:
Regrettably I agree with John. I say regrettably because I
have unfortunately learned the 'price' of dealing with
Facebook. They reap and harvest EVERYTHING and I mean
EVERYTHING. Talk about 'big-brother', Facebook puts that
analogy to shame. I discovered every bit of info they glean
is theirs -- never to be destroyed -- just surrendered to the
highest bidder -- or rather EVERY bidder.
Caution: Woe to any college student on Facebook seeking a job.
Boxers or briefs -- they know -- and much much more.
73 de Phil - N8PS
PS. I was cloned there by a douple-ganger with the same name
or using mine.
Quoting John Becker <w0jab@big-river.net>:
On 2/23/2014 3:57 PM, Robert Chudek - K0RC wrote:
Facebook, on the other hand, is equivalent to a 72" HDTV with color,
surround sound, video, and instant connections to your friends and
family. YOU control who gets to "see your stuff", not some invisible
reflector moderator.
If you own a business the insurance company may ask if you use
facebook. Or at
least my wife's did and said they would not cover. Had to do with
habit or trying to read as much as they can get from your system
Was more then enough for me not to use it. Besides being on a
satellite internet
system I have got to watch the daily bandwidth usage.
Can you just guess the outcome if all the her customer credit card
information got out.
That would be lawsuit never ending. You use it if you like, not me.
John, W0JAB
Louisiana, Missouri
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