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Re: [RTTY] W1AW/x RTTY operations

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] W1AW/x RTTY operations
From: W0MU <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:57:10 -0600
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Be happy someone is trying RTTY at all. You are correct that many are not good pileup ops and that is ok. The fun is in the chase, right?
I plan to operate W1AW/0 from Colorado the latter part of May.  I plan 
to fill gaps in the operating schedule as I can get on 6-80 CW SSB and 
RTTY.  The pileups at times sound crazy!  Fun times ahead!
Good luck on your quest!

On 4/10/2014 12:59 PM, Phil Cooper wrote:
Hi all,

The hunt for the W1AW/x stations continues! I have managed a good few so
far, but I have to wonder about the operating techniques of some of the
Just for the heck of it, I am aiming to work WAS using only W1AW/x calls.

Most are working split, which is best, but there are a few, and have been
others, that seem to insist on working simplex. This results in a complete
mess, and makes it very difficult to get that all important confirmation of
the QSO.

Earlier today, W1AW/4 was on both 21088 and 28088, saying UP 2 after each
QSO. That worked well, and I logged both bands.
W1AW/1 was on 21082, but trying to work simplex, and the resulting pile made
it impossible for him to work many callers.

So far, there have been a few ops who clearly don't do RTTY on a regular
basis! This is based on the macros in use, simplex operation, and poor
Some of the macros appear to have numerous spaces between calls and info,
and take up almost two lines. The completion of the QSO would be far better
served by a quick TU (call) W1AW/x up 2, rather than this:
GU0SUP   DE   W1AW/x   TU
CQ   W1AW/x    W1AW/x    CQ      UP 2      UP 2                 PSE KN

I am sure this is preaching to the converted, but some of you may know the
ops, so please pass on the message!
W1AW/x is wanted by many, so working split is obviously the way to go. There
is no difference in working split and getting no response to working simplex
and getting no response - EXCEPT that if you do start to get a pile-up,
being in split mode gives you the upper hand!

And why not use contest-type software with callsign recognition too! Whoever
was the op at W1AW/4 yesterday on 17m seemed to think I was GU0SKP, and even
after trying to correct it, he still sent TU GU0SKP.

Just my thoughts!

73 de Phil GU0SUP

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