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Re: Topband: FCP vs Gull Wing Elevated Radials

To: Wes <>
Subject: Re: Topband: FCP vs Gull Wing Elevated Radials
From: "Chortek, Robert L." <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 22:21:20 +0000
List-post: <>
I am going to add what may be a meaningless post to this thread.

I live on a 1/4 acre lot in the black hole of San Jose California. Until very 
recently I was using a base loaded 1/8 wave vertical for 10 years. The vertical 
is on the side of the house 10 feet from the property line. I run eight 1/4 
wave radials from the base of the vertical 48 inches high to the roof at about 
10 feet where they make a 90° bend and run in various directions. The radial 
system forms a U shape.  

The system is highly asymmetrical and far from optimum. I run legal limit. This 
system has allowed me to work in excess of 150 countries on topband. The point 
I’m making is a dedicated top and operator can have what I would consider a 
high degree of success with even a compromise in antenna system.

Don’t lot perfect, or even good, be the enemy of the best you can do. You might 
be surprised at what you can accomplish.


Bob AA6VB 
Robert L. Chortek
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