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Re: [TowerTalk] solid THHN vs jacketed copperweld

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] solid THHN vs jacketed copperweld
From: Steve Maki <>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2022 20:14:53 -0400
List-post: <>
Thank you. Very interesting. I never ran across on the google what the ideal antenna true R should be for the commercial 4 square black boxes. Everything seems to assume that one is using a 1/4 wave vertical with *some sort of* good ground system.
My modeling skill hadn't progressed enough to confidently figure all 
that out.
I was measuring through a calibrated test line. I was fairly amazed at 
how long the antenna wanted to be a 70 ohm antenna until I got close to 
the 90° *apex* angle at the center insulator.
It kind of jumps to 50 ohms all of a sudden.

-Steve K8LX

On 9/19/2022 6:41 PM, Gary NA6O via TowerTalk wrote:
Actually 50 ohms (resistance, at resonance) at the feedpoint is perfect. The 
1/4-wave, 75-ohm phasing line transforms that to 100 ohms. Then pairs of 
elements are paralleled to yield 50 ohms. Finally, a 90-degree hybrid combiner 
drives the two pairs in proper phase.

Difference between the two *insulated* wires should be very small. That assumes the 
copperweld has at least thick enough copper that it doesn’t start looking like a 

-Gary NA6O

On Sep 19, 2022, at 2:57 PM, wrote:

From: Steve Maki < <>>
Subject: [TowerTalk] solid THHN vs jacketed copperweld

Wondering whether there is any substantial difference between #12 solid
THHN and #12 PVC jacketed copperweld (steel) in terms of cutting a
dipole to length.

I'm in the process of installing a K8UR style 80M four square. I trimmed
the first element to length using THHN. Then I decided that I should use
steel wire for at least the top half of the elements because of the high
wire tension I ended up with after pulling the feed-point out far enough
from the array center. It's an issue with not enough acreage around the

Even so I ended up with a 50 ohm antenna rather than the desired 30-40
ohm antenna per the DXE instruction manual. But that's an entirely
difference issue (though I'd appreciate any comments on that as well).

Should I expect the steel wire lengths to be pretty close to the THHN
lengths, or should I re-do the initial step of carefully cutting the
first element in isolation?


-Steve K8LX


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