Doug, Try this. Open the RTTY window. Then change the TU from MMTTY to Dumb Terminal. You may get a Rttyrite error. Ignore it, close Rttyrite if it doesn't close on it's own. Restart Rttyrite. Choose
Al, I can't answer your question since I don't operation SSB contests, but I did see a while back where someone had a CT DVP board for sale and it appeared to be a "hot" item. I also have one of thes
OK, thanks for all the replies. I have learned that the Mark V does indeed do Rig control PTT by selecting the COM port the rig is connected to and using the FT1KMP radio and choosing YES for COMM PT
With permission, I've copied comments from Dean, N6DE, that were written as part of his comments on the RTTY reflector following his Multi-Single effort from W6YX in this past weekend's NAQP RTTY con
On June 16, 2001, the AA5AU WriteLog website went over 10,000 hits since opening in September of last year. Five weeks later, it has now taken over 11,000 hits. Thanks for the interest! Updated the R
I got the message once and didn't try again. Sent the log on Monday. Wayne K7WM, you out there? Are you getting our logs? Should we send to your E-mail direct? If so, which address to use? Thanks, Do
Important messages such as the exchange or any message starting with the other station's callsign should begin with a %R so that the other person's decoder has time to sync and receive his callsign f
I've been waiting for replies to this one, but none so far. I am also interested in what advantages a Rigblaster or Rigblaster Plus has over a standard homebrew interface. Although not announced here
You only need to send three files. Save your log ASCII by band and send that file. Also send .dup and .sum files (dupe sheet and summary sheet). There's never been a problem sending just these files
Thanks Kim & others, this is good information. I downloaded the operator's manual but could not see where it ever said anything about being able to use TxD for FSK. It only showed RTS and DTR options
Just a reminder that the ANARTS RTTY contest is this coming weekend. Example buffers and link to the rules on the AA5AU WriteLog website. This is the last chance to practice RTTY with WriteLog before
I noticed this during the contest but didn't pay much attention to it until Phil, GU0SUP, noticed the same thing and brought it to my attention. In the ANARTS module, your own country or call area wi
Added NAQP RTTY buffers for next month's bash. Added a link to the NAQP rules on the official NCJ website. Time to be thinking about teams. I hear Big Mean Dogs grow
Please tell us where you found the UX-14PX? I've been looking for these for years. I had been told they were no longer available from Icom. I'd be happy to help with this if I could get a UX-14PX. I
My log sent to bounced. Anyone get their log through to this address? Thanks, Don AA5AU
The ARI module is broken. The previous serial number can be helpful, but when you click on the current serial number in the RTTYrite window when the cursor is in the serial number field in the Entry
I've pre-tested the module for the upcoming A. VOLTA RTTY DX Contest and found a few problems. This module works fairly well and better than some of the other SM6SRW modules. However, there are a cou
Added example message buffers for A. Volta RTTY contest. Added link to official rules for A. Volta RTTY Contest. Updated AA5AU .dta file to include calls worked in the ARI contest. Added A. Volta hel