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[TenTec] HP GPS Receiver

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] HP GPS Receiver
From: jimr.reid@verizon.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Fri Jun 20 22:38:37 2003
> Question: Has anyone else had trouble communicating with their Z3801A
> while using a standard RS-232 serial cable after making the internal
> port mod?  Just to keep this on-topic, we are discussing the external
> frequency reference to the Ten Tec RX-340 receiver.  Thanks.


It may be a "null" modem vs. straight through RS-232 problem
You might try reversing the pin 2 and 3 wires on one end or
the other of your interface cable.  Just a thought,  hi.  I have
no idea how the internal mod inside the hp unit leaves the
xmit and rcv signal wires.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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