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Re: Topband: Coupla things

To: <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Coupla things
From: "Tom W8JI" <>
Reply-to: Tom W8JI <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 07:57:30 -0500
List-post: <">>
To this end, if my signal (W0ODS) was offensive in any way kindly let me know (Off-list, please). >>>
I hope everyone attempts to contact a person in private first, and only uses 
public means when no private contact info is available or they are creating 
an imminent disaster.
It would also be good to keep a list of offending systems. Tubes with 
cathode current modulated by filament supply hum are one issue, as is relay 
sequencing. A few years ago someone had a fractional watt drive (or some 
other low power) surplus amplifier, and it was really nasty.
Some radios are not clean, either. Sometimes it is the basic radio, 
sometimes RF from RX antennas getting into the TX pre-driver chain. I, like 
many people, have had problems of connection or component failure, and are 
completely unaware unless someone mentions something.
The respectful thing, however, is always direct communications unless 
something prevents that. That should go without saying.
73 Tom 

Topband Reflector

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