October 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Oct 1 03:06:38 PDT 2010
Ending: Sun Oct 31 21:07:27 PDT 2010
Messages: 141
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: (no subject)
Bolmar Aguilar
- Topband: THANKS
Bolmar Aguilar
- Topband: coax loop
- Topband: PJ2 4 5 6 7
Paul Baldock
- Topband: PJ2 4 5 6 7
Bernie McClenny, W3UR
- Topband: toroids for beverages
Brobakken, Stein Roar
- Topband: Fw: BOG antennas
- Topband: BOG Question
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: Beverage Switching System
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Paul Christensen
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Niko Cimbur
- Topband: A92IO
Craig Clark
- Topband: Resonating a 160 Meter Vertical
Phil Clements
- Topband: Antenna in Bahrain
Dave Court
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Mel Crichton
- Topband: Elevated Radials
- Topband: Elevated Radials
- Topband: BOG questions
Paul DeWitte
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top of a tree
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: Fw: Pse post on top band reflect, tnx John
John G3PQA
- Topband: Resonating a 160 Meter Vertical
Chris G3SVL
- Topband: Titanex V160E
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Gerry Treas, K8GT
- Topband: Speaking of plaques...
Doug Grant
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Lars Harlin
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- Topband: Resonating a 160 Meter Vertical
David Hollander
- Topband: Shunt tower feed question
James C. Hall, MD
- Topband: Shunt fed tower
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: PJ4
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: Shunt Fed Tower-Need Parts
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: To short or not short unused coil turns
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: BOG questions
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
Tim Duffy K3LR
- Topband: Fwd: Re: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top ofa tree
Art K6XT
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Art K6XT
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
- Topband: BOG questions
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Hardy Landskov
- Topband: Resonating a 160 Meter Vertical
- Topband: Two element vertical wire array question, phasing harnesses
Mark Lunday
- Topband: PJ2T Curacao on Topband
Jeff Maass
- Topband: PJ2T Curacao 10-10-10 Web Page
Jeff Maass
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top of a tree
Tomas Magyla
- Topband: receive 4 square
Ignacy Misztal
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top ofa tree
Charles Moizeau
- Topband: PRE STEW & contest calendars
Sam Morgan
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Barry N1EU
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
N2TK, Tony
- Topband: Elevated Radials as a sub for the real thing?
Dan Zimmerman N3OX
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Dan Zimmerman N3OX
- Topband: Topband Coax Loop
Thomas F. Giella NZ4O
- Topband: Propagation Forecast Returns
Thomas F. Giella NZ4O
- Topband: Propagation Webpage Link Error
Thomas F. Giella NZ4O
- Topband: Looking for Topband station in Minneapolis area
Henk Remijn PA5KT
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway (rfman45)
Larry Pasman
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Larry Pasman
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: H40
- Topband: 2-Way Splitter
Brad Rehm
- Topband: Beverage Question
Rik van Riel
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Wayne Rogers
- Topband: Elevated Radials - Thanks for your Reply
Wayne Rogers
- Topband: Resonating a 160M vertical
- Topband: 2-Way Splitter
- Topband: plaques for 2009 Stew?
Lew Sayre
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top of a tree
Lew Sayre
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
David J. Schmocker
- Topband: Resonating a 160 Meter Vertical
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: BOG questions
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: The Slingshot Option..need distance not height
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Elevated Radials as a sub for the real thing?
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Elevated Radials
Charles W. Shaw
- Topband: Stew Perry Warmup
Ward Silver
- Topband: 2-Way Splitter
Craig D. Smith
- Topband: plaques for 2009 Stew?
Mike & Coreen Smith
- Topband: PRE STEW & contest calendars
Mike & Coreen Smith
- Topband: Shunt Fed Tower-Need Parts
Pete Smith
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Pete Smith
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Pete Smith
- Topband: BOG questions
Pete Smith
- Topband: Broadcast stations power-down/power-up times
Pete Smith
- Topband: Broadcast stations power-down/power-up times
Pete Smith
- Topband: coax loop
Edward Swynar
- Topband: Beverage Question
Edward Swynar
- Topband: Topband - PreStew Dates
- Topband: Stew Perry Warmup
- Topband: Fw: The Slingshot Option
- Topband: Cushcraft MA160 Vertical questions
(N0AH) Bryon "Paul" Veal
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: 160m Fishing Beacons
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Beverage Height Over Driveway
Dennis W0JX
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top ofa tree
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top ofa tree
- Topband: Fw: The Slingshot Option
- Topband: 160m Fishing Beacons
- Topband: modified TX3A rx antenna
- Topband: Help - TW500 Amplifier
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Jim - WS6X
- Topband: Tower Detuning
Mike Wetzel
- Topband: Need info on Comscope CATV Cable
Jeff Wilson
- Topband: Commscope CATV Cable - Thanks
Jeff Wilson
- Topband: Remi FK8CP
Walter Wooten
- Topband: The Slingshot Option
Charlie Young
- Topband: Beverage Question
Charlie Young
- Topband: Beverage Question
Charlie Young
- Topband: Great Opening to Eu
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: To short or not short unused coil turns
WD8DSB at aol.com
- Topband: To short or not short unused coil turns
WD8DSB at aol.com
- Topband: xu7acy
k1zm at aol.com
- Topband: high SWR problem with RG214
sasas asasas
- Topband: high SWR problem with RG214
sasas asasas
- Topband: meters of RG214 i can use
sasas asasas
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 94, Issue 15
steve.root at culligan4water.com
- Topband: A littel help..
steve.root at culligan4water.com
- Topband: A Little Help
steve.root at culligan4water.com
- Topband: Antenna
rick darwicki
- Topband: Slingshot
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top ofa tree
bob finger
- Topband: Gullwing radials and multiband radials?
- Topband: Stew Perry warm-up FO8RZ
f5phw at free.fr
- Topband: ZL to EU
k9la at frontier.com
- Topband: rfi
- Topband: Fwd: Re: rfi
- Topband: modified TX3A rx antenna
kees nijdam
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
- Topband: Two Wire Reversible BOG Terminatons
k4kh at ryanstudios.net
- Topband: Pneumatic device for throwing antenna wire over the top ofa tree
- Topband: JT1CO / LZ1ANA QSLs?
VE7SL at shaw.ca
- Topband: JT1CO / LZ1ANA QSLs?
VE7SL at shaw.ca
- Topband: Elevated Radials
- Topband: Height of Beverage-Driveway
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: BOG questions
k8tys at tampabay.rr.com
- Topband: Resonating a 160 Meter Vertical
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: toroids for beverages
k8gg at voyager.net
- Topband: 160m Fishing Beacons
bruce whitney
- Topband: Fish Net Beacons this AM
bruce whitney
Last message date:
Sun Oct 31 21:07:27 PDT 2010
Archived on: Mon Nov 1 08:07:00 PDT 2010
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).