Amps Mailing List (date)
April 30, 2000
- [AMPS] High prices and reality.+,, 23:06
- [AMPS] Practical PI Nets,, 21:19
- [AMPS] Practical PI Nets, Phil Levin W2GE, 20:21
- [AMPS] Practical PI Nets,, 19:51
- [AMPS] Practical PI Nets, Bill Coleman, 19:17
- [AMPS] High prices and reality., Bob Duckworth, 17:09
- [AMPS] HVY DuTY 3P11T RF switch,, 16:37
- [AMPS] contester's 6m Amplifier,, 16:26
- [AMPS] 'family radio' power?, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 14:06
- [AMPS] 'family radio' power?,, 12:13
- [AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay...,, 12:13
- [AMPS] 31LQ6 Heater Ratings, Alek Petkovic, 06:03
April 29, 2000
- [AMPS] 'family radio' power?, Ed Dial, 21:36
- [AMPS] 'family radio' power?, Bill Aycock, 19:28
- [AMPS] 6M mod for Heath HL-2200?, Gary Mitchelson, 19:19
- [AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay..., Lamb, 17:23
- [AMPS] Copper tube - semi-rigid, Einar Persson, 16:42
- [AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay..., Brian Short, 13:07
- [AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay...,, 13:04
- [AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay..., Lane Zeitler, 10:46
April 28, 2000
- [AMPS] Copper tube - semi-rigid, Steve Thompson, 20:35
- [AMPS] Copper tube - semi-rigid, Mike Michon, 19:27
- [AMPS] 12VDC Power supply for Hercules II, Steve Iezzi, 18:21
- [AMPS] 12VDC Power supply for Hercules II, Colin Lamb, 18:00
- [AMPS] 12VDC Power supply for Hercules II, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604, 16:47
- [AMPS] test, Marv Gonsior, 16:29
- [AMPS] Re: Copper tube - semi-rigid, Martin Ellis, 16:06
- [AMPS] Copper tube - semi-rigid, Radio WC6W, 15:57
- [AMPS] Copper tube - semi-rigid, phil, 14:55
- [AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay...,, 12:53
- [AMPS] Copper tube - semi-rigid, Mark Marsden, 12:11
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, measures, 03:58
- [AMPS] 3-500Z grid to filament resistance?, G0MJW, 03:46
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, Steve Thompson, 02:48
April 27, 2000
- [AMPS] 3-500Z grid to filament resistance?, measures, 21:32
- [AMPS] 3-500Z grid to filament resistance?, Charlie Ocker, 16:58
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting+,, 13:49
- [AMPS] [Fwd: Inrush Current -:)], measures, 12:02
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, measures, 12:02
- [AMPS] [Fwd: Inrush Current -:)], Phil Clements, 10:06
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, measures, 07:43
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 02:46
April 26, 2000
- [AMPS] [Fwd: Inrush Current -:)], measures, 23:22
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, measures, 23:22
- [AMPS] [Fwd: Inrush Current -:)], Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 22:51
- [AMPS] Alpha 86, Jim Heath, 22:46
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, Steve Thompson, 20:55
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting+,, 19:28
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 17:38
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, measures, 15:51
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, measures, 15:51
- [AMPS] Variable Cap?, SV8CS Spiros Chimarios, 15:35
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 13:18
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, Harald Garberg Gule, 12:47
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, measures, 11:57
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, Peter Chadwick, 10:08
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, measures, 09:58
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, Peter Chadwick, 02:58
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, sm5ki, 02:55
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, RCM, 02:30
- SV: [AMPS] Inrush Current, measures, 02:28
April 25, 2000
- [AMPS] ssb VS. cw setting in AL-1200, Phil Levin W2GE, 21:18
- [AMPS] WTB HF 8877 AMP, Norman Hockler, 21:17
- [AMPS] Jennings Vac Variable FS, Jack Schuster, 18:10
- [AMPS] Dope question, Mark S Graalman, 17:32
- [AMPS] Dope question, Mike Sawyer, 16:54
- [AMPS] Dope question, Mike Sawyer, 16:42
- [AMPS] Inrush Current, Marv Gonsior, 16:28
- [AMPS] Dope question,, 16:26
- [AMPS] Dope question, Alan Gray, 15:08
- [AMPS] Dope question,, 14:12
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, measures, 13:17
- [AMPS] Dope question, measures, 13:13
- [AMPS] Dope question, measures, 13:13
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, Phil Clements, 12:49
- [AMPS] Dope question, Phil Clements, 12:27
- [AMPS] Dope question, Peter Chadwick, 12:20
- [AMPS] Dope question, Phil Levin W2GE, 12:13
- [AMPS] Summary of SB-220 operation replies, measures, 11:42
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting, measures, 11:23
- [AMPS] Summary of SB-220 operation replies, Nat Davis, 10:54
- [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting,, 10:05
April 21, 2000
- [AMPS] re: Heathkit SB 201 to SB 200 conversion,, 20:16
- [AMPS] SB-220 operation, Nat Davis, 12:01
- [AMPS] Peter W.Dahl certificate, Will, K6NDV, 01:06
- [AMPS] Peter W.Dahl certificate, Will, K6NDV, 00:33
April 19, 2000
- [AMPS] Alpha 76PA Questions, Bobo, 22:30
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variables FS (again and again), Lane Zeitler, 17:23
- [AMPS] ?: PTC-205 diode specs,, 12:46
- [AMPS] ?: PTC-205 diode specs, Radio WC6W, 12:20
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 06:15
- [AMPS] FS GU84b, Remigijus, 03:34
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, Steve Thompson, 03:19
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, Phil Clements, 02:44
April 18, 2000
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, measures, 23:13
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, Roger D. Johnson, 18:01
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, Phil Clements, 17:08
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, Mike Sawyer, 16:44
- [AMPS] PA question, UT7CT --> Anton Koval, 16:13
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?,, 15:48
- [AMPS] Full output pair 3-500Zs $155 shipped, Lane Zeitler, 14:33
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors,, 13:51
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors, Kevin P, 13:35
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors,, 13:22
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors, Phil Levin W2GE, 13:14
- [AMPS] SB-220 Vernier Dials ?, Charlie Ocker, 12:48
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, Mike Blier, 12:32
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors, Phil Clements, 12:28
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors, measures, 11:58
- [AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?, George McCrary, 11:46
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors, Lane Zeitler, 11:04
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors, Phil Clements, 11:01
- [AMPS] L4B parasitic reistors, Kevin P, 10:28
April 17, 2000
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variables FS, Lane Zeitler, 22:04
- [AMPS] SELL: Heath SB220 for 6meters,, 15:22
- R: [AMPS] Plate Choke Inductance, Maurizio Panicara, 12:07
- [AMPS] Plate Choke Inductance, measures, 01:59
- [AMPS] Plate Choke Inductance, dan hearn, 01:07
April 14, 2000
- [AMPS] Spectrian UHF Power Amp,, 20:08
- [AMPS] Needed: Pair of 8122 Tubes, Phil Clements, 17:03
- [AMPS] FS/Trade Alpha 374, Tim Kass, 16:59
- [AMPS] still looking for HV PS for L-4B,, 14:15
- [AMPS] SELL: hard to find Amp Components,, 12:43
- [AMPS] slow TIME, Will, K6NDV, 10:00
April 13, 2000
- [AMPS] re: SB-200 On/Off Switch Source, measures, 22:55
- [AMPS] re: SB-200 On/Off Switch Source, Steve Hajducek, 19:52
- [AMPS] still looking for HV PS for L-4B, Scott Hotchkiss, 18:51
- SV: [AMPS], sm5ki, 18:02
- [AMPS], Mike Sawyer, 16:32
- [AMPS], measures, 12:17
- [AMPS], Harald Garberg Gule, 11:19
- [AMPS], Ivan, 07:30
April 09, 2000
- [AMPS] Need Electrolytic Cap for MLA2500,, 21:14
- [AMPS] Need Filter Cap Electrolytic, 150uf, 450v,, 20:11
- [AMPS] Needed: Eimac SK-700 Sockets and SK-606 Chimneys, Phil Clements, 17:30
- [AMPS] Adding 160m article in January, 1989 *QST*, measures, 17:02
- [AMPS] Connecting Drake 4LB AMP to 1000MP, David Rich, 00:40
April 06, 2000
- [AMPS] New amp. on the block, Phil Levin W2GE, 19:12
- [AMPS] FS: SB-1000 heathkit amp, Vic Rosenthal, 18:33
- [AMPS] Vacuum Variables FS, Lane Zeitler, 17:20
- [Fwd: Re: [AMPS] conductive epoxy or similar], Ken Potter, 16:59
- [AMPS] Re: HV parasitic plate choke (?), Uwe Egen, 13:41
- [AMPS] Re: HV parasitic plate choke (?), measures, 13:17
- [AMPS] Re: HV parasitic plate choke (?), Roy Koeppe, 12:40
- [AMPS] SELL: 8877's RF Deck Components,, 12:14
- [AMPS] Military Surplus Conversion on VHF amp, Jeff Wolf, 09:18
- [AMPS] SELL: HV parasitic plate choke,, 07:28
- [AMPS] QEX,, 04:46
- [AMPS] conductive epoxy or similar, Ian Roberts, 03:08
April 05, 2000
- [AMPS] Military Surplus Conversion on VHF amp, Bob & Linda McGraw K4TAX, 23:18
- [AMPS] 8877's and 4CX300A's Available, Phil Clements, 19:50
- [AMPS] Alpha 86, Jim Heath, 18:06
- [AMPS] conductive epoxy or similar,, 14:18
- [AMPS] 3cx800a7 input impedence, Kevin Polchan, 12:13
- [AMPS] 3cx800a7 input impedence, Dick Hanson, 11:21
- [AMPS] 3cx800a7 input impedence, Phil Clements, 10:55
- [AMPS] 3cx800a7 input impedence, Kevin Polchan, 10:51
- [AMPS] conductive epoxy sources,, 05:36
April 04, 2000
- [AMPS] WTB: Harris RF-124 Power Supply, George Benko, 19:04
- [AMPS] More Swinging Choke Observations, Phil Clements, 14:33
- [AMPS] conductive epoxy or similar,, 11:40
- [AMPS] QEX,, 03:07
- [AMPS] Change of email address, Garry & Yelena, 00:27
April 03, 2000
- [AMPS] (no subject),, 17:11
- [AMPS] Can anyone Identify an Amplifier part?, < (W6NQ), 15:31
- [AMPS] Can anyone Identify an Amplifier part?, Harry Brown, 14:04
- [AMPS] Can anyone Identify an Amplifier part?, Jeff Wolf, 13:51
- [AMPS] Make that May '96 QEX, Paul Erickson, 13:16
- [AMPS] May '99 QEX needed, Paul Erickson, 12:45
- [AMPS] Can anyone Identify an Amplifier part?,, 11:24
- [AMPS] For Sale Dentron MLA-2500 -SOLD-, Kevin Polchan, 10:16
- [AMPS] plate xmfr reduced (uno mas), Lane Zeitler, 09:52
- [AMPS] Parts Needed, Warren J. Walsh, 07:58
- [AMPS] Amplifier Parts, Jack Schuster, 07:53
- [AMPS] Anyone know JAN 8971 Tube, Joseph Rodgers, 01:16
April 01, 2000
- [AMPS] Off Topic - Visalia International DX Convention April 14-16, 2000, Will, K6NDV, 22:43
- Fw: [AMPS] For Sale Dentron MLA-2500,, 17:44
- [AMPS] just prior "help" message was intended for, not amps, all is well here, Bob Duckworth, 14:23