February 2010 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Feb 1 04:27:59 PST 2010
Ending: Sun Feb 28 14:29:32 PST 2010
Messages: 218
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Edward Swynar
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
k3ky at radioprism.com
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
cris at gm4fam.plus.com
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Henrik Weiss
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Edward Swynar
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Edward Swynar
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Wayne Rogers
- Topband: "Linear Loading" & 160-Meters
Lars Harlin
- Topband: (no subject)
K8LEEWMM at aol.com
- Topband: +12V T/R sequencing of ICE 184A preamp
Brian Machesney
- Topband: 160m R1FJM QSL via RX3MM...all OK!
Nigel G3TXF
- Topband: 160m R1FJM QSL via RX3MM...all OK!
wb6rse1 at mac.com
- Topband: 3D2KJ QSL-ing
- Topband: 3D2KJ qsl-ing
- Topband: [Fwd: Re: +12V T/R sequencing of ICE 184A preamp]
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: [Fwd: Re: Equal opportunity]
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: [Fwd: Re: Equal opportunity]
- Topband: [Fwd: Re: Equal opportunity]
- Topband: [Fwd: Re: Equal opportunity]
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: [Fwd: Re: Equal opportunity]
Pete Smith
- Topband: Addendum to the Top Band Dinner Announcement during Dayton wknd
- Topband: Amplifier Help
Niko Cimbur
- Topband: Amplifier Help
- Topband: Amplifier Help
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Amplifier Help
- Topband: Amplifier Help
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Amplifier question
James Rogers
- Topband: Announcement ZL8X - Kermadec Island 2010
Christian Janssen
- Topband: Antena RX for 160Mtrs
Eduardo Somoano C
- Topband: Antena RX for 160Mtrs
Pete Parisetti
- Topband: Antena RX for 160Mtrs
Bob McGwier
- Topband: Antena RX for 160Mtrs
Björn Mohr
- Topband: apology - Softrock kits are alive and well
Pete Smith
- Topband: Beverage antenna photos - URL correction
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...
Gary Smith
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...
Darl Deeds
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...
bruce whitney
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...
Gary Smith
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Beverage supports - Thinking of Deer...AND MORE
Mike & Coreen Smith
- Topband: Birdies
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Birdies
- Topband: Blind luck
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Blind luck
- Topband: BU2AQ - great job!
David Raymond
- Topband: Coax for beverage
Gary Smith
- Topband: Contest
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: Contest
WD8DSB at aol.com
- Topband: Contest
Charles W. Shaw
- Topband: Contest
Henk Remijn PA5KT
- Topband: Contest
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Contest
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Contest
Gary Smith
- Topband: Contest
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: Contest
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: Contest
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- Topband: Contest
N4DW - Dave
- Topband: Contest
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: Double Delta Loop
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: Double Delta Loop
Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
- Topband: DP1POL on topband
Andree DL8LAS
- Topband: Earth conductivity
Gary Hinson
- Topband: Earth conductivity
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Earth conductivity
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Equal Opportunitry
N7KA at comcast.net
- Topband: Equal opportunity
- Topband: Equal opportunity
Carl Clawson
- Topband: Equal opportunity]
Gary Hinson
- Topband: Europe Before Sunset
Mike & Coreen Smith
- Topband: First 160m Contest
kd6nrp at earthlink.net
- Topband: First 160m Contest
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: First 160m Contest
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: FK8CP and contests
- Topband: Fluorescent lights
Art K6XT
- Topband: Fluorescent lights
Mike & Coreen Smith
- Topband: Fwd: PJ2T on 160 Meters: Europe Before Sunset
- Topband: Fwd: Europe Before Sunset
- Topband: help for XE2S
PACER99 at aol.com
- Topband: help for XE2S
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: How tall Beverage poles, etc
Mike Bragassa
- Topband: How tall Beverage poles, etc
Tom Vavra
- Topband: HV0A
Thomas Lutz
- Topband: HV0A
Thomas Lutz
- Topband: HV0A
Sam Harner
- Topband: HV0A
David Raymond
- Topband: HV0A pirate?
Thomas Hoeppe
- Topband: HV0A pirate?
Thomas Lutz
- Topband: HV0A pirate?
Sante - IK0HBN
- Topband: I am not dead yet - Boring Report
- Topband: I am not dead yet - Boring Report
- Topband: Inrad roofing filter for FT 1000 (D)
- Topband: Inrad Roofing Filter for FT1000D
- Topband: Interesting Observation
Edward Swynar
- Topband: Interesting Observation
- Topband: Interesting Observation
Mac at PY2CW
- Topband: Interesting Observation
donovanf at starpower.net
- Topband: Interesting Observation
cris blak
- Topband: Interesting Observation
Edward Swynar
- Topband: Interesting Observation
cris blak
- Topband: Interesting Observation
Björn Mohr
- Topband: Interesting Observation
Brian Miller
- Topband: Inverted L
John Clark
- Topband: Inverted L
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Inverted L
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Inverted L
Gene Smar
- Topband: Inverted L
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Inverted L
Milt, N5IA
- Topband: Inverted L
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Inverted L
RT Clay
- Topband: KG4ED - slim?
Thorvaldur Stefansson
- Topband: linear loading
calle.jonsson at sverige.nu
- Topband: Linear Loading & 160-Meters
- Topband: log serch
- Topband: Loran shutdown (1 of 2)
Jeffrey Herman
- Topband: Low Band Monitor - Back Issues
- Topband: Low noise Friday
Robert Redmon
- Topband: Missing links in last message
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: N6LF Article in March QST
Pete Smith
- Topband: N6LF Article in March QST
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: N6LF Article in March QST
Ralph Matheny K8RYU
- Topband: N6LF Article in March QST
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: N6LF Article in March QST
Steve London
- Topband: N6LF Article in March QST
- Topband: N6LF Article in March QST
George, VK5IT
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Steve Miller
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Rick Karlquist
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Garry Shapiro
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
David Raymond
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Gary Smith
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Gary Hinson
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
dbevan at datacheck.com
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Julius Fazekas
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Edward Swynar
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Jeff Woods
- Topband: Narrow Filtering
Bill Gillenwater
- Topband: Need antenna advice
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Need antenna advice
- Topband: Need antenna advice
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Need antenna advice
Charlie Young
- Topband: Need antenna advice
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Need antenna advice
wa5pok at peoplepc.com
- Topband: Need antenna advice
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Need antenna advice
Edward Swynar
- Topband: Need to know more about beverages...
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Need to know more about beverages...
Gary Smith
- Topband: Newbie report
Mark Lunday
- Topband: Newbie report
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Noise resolution at N5BG/NI5T
Milt, N5IA
- Topband: note from FK8CP
- Topband: Note from ST2AR
k8sm at windstream.net
- Topband: Phased Pennant Antennas
- Topband: Phasing line length
Lew Sayre
- Topband: Phasing line length
Henrik Weiss
- Topband: Phasing line length
Niko Cimbur
- Topband: PI4TUE Stew Perry 2009 audio clippings
Aurelio - PC5A
- Topband: PJ2T on 160 Meters: Europe Before Sunset
Jeff Maass
- Topband: PJ2T on 160 Meters: Europe Before Sunset
Milt, N5IA
- Topband: PJ2T on 160 Meters: Europe Before Sunset
- Topband: PJ2T on 160 Meters: Europe Before Sunset
Andrey Fedorishchev
- Topband: PJ2T on 160 Meters: Europe Before Sunset
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: PJ2T on 160 Meters: Europe Before Sunset
Craig Clark
- Topband: Question about 4 Square Array for RX in Equatorial Zones
- Topband: Radial requirements for 1/2 wave vertical?
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: Radial requirements for 1/2 wave vertical?
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Radial requirements for 1/2 wave vertical?
WD8DSB at aol.com
- Topband: Radial requirements for 1/2 wave vertical?
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Radial requirements for 1/2 wave vertical?
- Topband: recordings of CQWW 160 CW
Pete Smith
- Topband: RF earth ground instability
- Topband: Roofing filter for FT 1000D
- Topband: Roofing filter for FT 1000D
sabrams at nycap.rr.com
- Topband: Rotor Birdies
Ward Silver
- Topband: RX antenna - Anecdotal Observation
Tod -ID
- Topband: RX antenna - Anecdotal Observation
cris blak
- Topband: RX antenna - Anecdotal Observation
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: SDR and Skimmer
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: SDR-IQ experience during CQ 160 contest
Niko Cimbur
- Topband: SDR-IQ experience during CQ 160 contest
Björn Mohr
- Topband: SDR-IQ experience during CQ 160 contest
- Topband: SDR-IQ experience during CQ 160 contest
- Topband: SDR-IQ experience during CQ 160 contest
- Topband: SDR-IQ experience during CQ 160 contest
Pete Smith
- Topband: Sloping of Beverage Antenna Ends
Phil Clements
- Topband: Stew Perry Results
- Topband: Topband beacon list update
Petr Ourednik
- Topband: TX4T
Tod -ID
- Topband: TX4T Feb. 24
jon jones
- Topband: TX4T vs. TX3A (not TX5C as in previous post) from Far Eastcoast
- Topband: TX4T vs. TX3A (not TX5C as in previous post) from Far East coast
- Topband: TX4T vs. TX3A (not TX5C as in previous post) from Far Eastcoast
rfoxwor1 at tampabay.rr.com
- Topband: Unused Beverages...ground them or let them "float" ???
Karl Brandt
- Topband: VA3CCO in CQWW160 cw
- Topband: Vermont QSO Party
Brian Machesney
- Topband: views about IC-740
vu2bgs .
- Topband: W8JI Crossfire Phasing
David Cole
- Topband: WAS 160M OK1DOT
petr.gustab at centrum.cz
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
Mike Waters W0BTU
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
Edward Swynar
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
- Topband: What are these weak birdies every 10.0000 KHz?
Dan Zimmerman N3OX
- Topband: YI9PSE Iraq/Kurdistan on 160m
Petr Ourednik
Last message date:
Sun Feb 28 14:29:32 PST 2010
Archived on: Sun Feb 28 15:44:00 PST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).