June 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Jun 1 11:01:01 EDT 2013
Ending: Fri Jun 28 22:02:49 EDT 2013
Messages: 155
- [VHFcontesting] rover locations in upstate NY
Fred Lass
- [VHFcontesting] VE3WCC at FN04xa for June ARRL VHF QSO Party
Glenn MacDonell
- [VHFcontesting] Fri - Plano Hamfest, Sat - K7XC EM12 for June VHF QSO Party
Tim Marek
- [VHFcontesting] (no subject)
jeff millar
- [VHFcontesting] K9AKS in EM77 for the June Contest
curtis roseman
- [VHFcontesting] KX9X/1 FN45 Plans
Sean K.
William Shaw
- [VHFcontesting] W2LV FN21OE 6-432
Walt Murphy
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF: W2CCC QRV FN23mh
Mark Adams
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF: K2QO/R QRV this Weekend!
Mark Adams
- [VHFcontesting] June V/U ----- K4HZ ----- EM97qi
Joshua M. Arritt
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF contest: K7BWH rover
Barry Hansen
- [VHFcontesting] VE3OIL/r June VHF, FN14 FN04, FN13, EN92, EN81, EN81
russell beech
- [VHFcontesting] AC2GJ FN03 Limited Portable op from FN03
Jay Thompson
- [VHFcontesting] K7XC QRV June Contest From EM12
Tim Marek
- [VHFcontesting] W9SZ Single-Op Portable from EN50
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] Revided Super Paretical Check Database Release
Dave Zeph
- [VHFcontesting] N3XUD/R Testing Bottom 4 bands FM19 (York, PA)
David All
- [VHFcontesting] EN20
jon jones
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF: N6VI mulit-op group will be on Frazier Mountain (DM04ms)
Tom Sneden, K6VCR
- [VHFcontesting] Revised Super Partial Check Database Release [Corection]
Dave Zeph
- [VHFcontesting] WB1GQR FN33 Looking for Q's in Contest
Mitch Stern
- [VHFcontesting] K3EOD Multi-op Contest Plans
Bob Fischer
- [VHFcontesting] VE3SMA/R ARRL June VHF Contest Plan
Steve Kavanagh
- [VHFcontesting] AB2YI/R in VHF contest FN02/03/12/13
David Muller
- [VHFcontesting] This weekend
David Vari
- [VHFcontesting] 2 and 6 meter antennas
Joe Barnes
- [VHFcontesting] VHF Contest
Ken Kent - KA2LIM
- [VHFcontesting] For Sale: M squared 2M9SSB 2m Yagi
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] W1RT/R june vhf .. argh
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] AC9BJ/R this weekend
- [VHFcontesting] AA4ZZ EM96
- [VHFcontesting] N4TZH/R QRV from EL94
Donald Drennon
- [VHFcontesting] to all vhf'rs
David Hoad
- [VHFcontesting] EN39 on the air on 6m de KC8QVO/VE3
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] NT9E QRV this weekend
David Whaley
- [VHFcontesting] W4ATL from EM73
Sherman Banks
- [VHFcontesting] M2 220 Yagi available
David Whaley
- [VHFcontesting] M2 220 HO Loop available
David Whaley
- [VHFcontesting] The Big Dial
Lew Sayre
David All
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL June VHF QSO Party, Saturday, 6/8 1800 UTC - Monday, 6/10 0300 UTC
Mark Thompson
- [VHFcontesting] Meteor Scatter with K5QE...
- [VHFcontesting] KC2SFU/R June VHF Contest
- [VHFcontesting] Widening the 20-kHz-Wide Six Meters CW Sliver
Paul Kiesel
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF N3XUD/R
David All
- [VHFcontesting] 2013 June VHF Contest results for N9LB ( EN52 / Wisconsin )
Lloyd Berg N9LB
- [VHFcontesting] VE3SMA chirp or FMing on 222 MHz ?
Steve Kavanagh
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL June VHF N8RA Single Op LP
Chet S
- [VHFcontesting] K2FR June VHF from Slide Mtn
Andrew Mennerich
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL June VHF W9SZ Single Op Port QRP
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] Roving / Portable
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] K7NG June VHF Contest from CN72
cq_k7ng at charter.net
- [VHFcontesting] M2 INC Customer Service
- [VHFcontesting] W0W EN48 Grid Activation Website
vince pavkovich
- [VHFcontesting] IARU Region 1 50MHz contest
Steve Thompson
- [VHFcontesting] FS: Like New 6M 6EL Yagi $350 plus shipping
Barry Pfeil
- [VHFcontesting] Downeast Transverter
Walt Murphy
- [VHFcontesting] Progress Report on the EL83 DXpedition....
- [VHFcontesting] Mid-Atl VHF Conf Sep 27-29
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] Great VHF Blog! KB5WIA
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Circular polarization for terresterial modes
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] 2013 ARRL January VHF Contest REsults are Online
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] 73 de KX9X
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] Converting a circular polarized antenna
John Geiger
- [VHFcontesting] Mirage Amp Repair?
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] The VHF rules....what do we want??
- [VHFcontesting] K2LIM June 2013 Contest report
Ken Kent - KA2LIM
- [VHFcontesting] Contest Rules Change Request-Keep it Simple
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Help understanding distance scoring
David All
- [VHFcontesting] Contact your ARRL Representative Today
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Real time contest scheduling....
- [VHFcontesting] Five Band VUCC Award
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] 5 Band VUCC Award
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Reverse VUCC for Rovers
Barry Hansen
- [VHFcontesting] 5 Band VUCC & VUCC Triple-Play
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL Field Day W3HZU EPA
David All
- [VHFcontesting] Mid-Atl VHF Conf--Register Now
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] Discussion #2
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] CC A270-10S
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] Pacific Northwest VHF Conference, Oct 12-13
Barry Hansen
- [VHFcontesting] K4N EL84 Grid Activation on 6 and now 2!
George Sintchak
- [VHFcontesting] Attn:Maine recipient of 12 foot fiberglass dish
Last message date:
Fri Jun 28 22:02:49 EDT 2013
Archived on: Fri Jun 28 22:03:04 EDT 2013
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).