RTTY Mailing List (date)
October 31, 2002
- [RTTY] RE: AA5AU fishing techniques!, <w1zt@arrl.net (George Johnson), 15:37
- [RTTY] RE: AA5AU fishing techniques!, Don Hill AA5AU, 12:40
- [RTTY] RE: AA5AU fishing techniques!, Phil Cooper, 11:38
- [RTTY] PK232 & TS850, Roy Dancy, 11:14
- [RTTY] Re: error code 216, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 10:32
- [RTTY] error code 216, David Barnes, 08:46
- [RTTY] WF1B error 216, UR5FFC, 08:13
- [RTTY] Master Call File, UR5FFC, 08:13
- [RTTY] WF1B error 216, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 03:15
October 30, 2002
- [RTTY] PK232 & TS850, Tom Osborne, 22:30
- [RTTY] PK232 & TS850, Tom Osborne, 22:28
- [RTTY] TG9 QSL card, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 14:57
- [RTTY] The UKRAINIAN DX CONTEST 2002 Rules, Vladimir A. Gordienko, 13:41
- FW: RE: [RTTY] WF1B, Vince Walton, 12:36
- Fw: [RTTY] WF1B, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 12:10
- [RTTY] PK232 & TS850, K4SB, 11:50
- [RTTY] WF1B, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 10:27
- [RTTY] WF1B For WAE, Olda Linhart - OK1YM, 09:15
- [RTTY] PK232 & TS850, Don Hill AA5AU, 07:45
- [RTTY] PK232 & TS850, Richard Ferch, 06:36
- [RTTY] WF1B For WAE, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 05:27
- [RTTY] PK232 & TS850, <g0urr@btopenworld.com (Robert Webb), 04:07
- [RTTY] Re: [CQ-Contest] Anonymous RR Plaque, Jay, 03:04
- [RTTY] VQ9NL QSL Question, Waldemar DK3VN, 02:21
- [RTTY] Re: VQ9NL QSL Question, Costas Krallis SV1XV, 00:47
October 29, 2002
- [RTTY] VQ9NL QSL Question, ak0a, 23:48
- [RTTY] VQ9NL QSL Question, Bernie McClenny, 23:25
- [RTTY] VQ9NL QSL Question, Fred Souto Maior, 21:00
- [RTTY] VQ9NL QSL Question, Glenn and Barbara Kurzenknabe, 19:11
- [RTTY] 9a7r so 80m lp, 9a7r, 18:00
- [RTTY] Re: [CQ-Contest] Anonymous RR Plaque, Barry , 13:48
- [RTTY] Anonymous RR Plaque, Bruce B. Sawyer, 11:15
- [RTTY] Ukraine DX rtty 160, may, 08:02
- [RTTY] WAE QTC's, Tom Osborne, 00:45
October 25, 2002
- [RTTY] CQ WW WPX RTTY, DidierBruriaud@aol.com, 16:13
- [RTTY] WW RTTY WPX 2002, Roberto, 11:50
- [RTTY] AA5AU RTTY Callsign database update, Jim Reisert AD1C, 07:41
- [RTTY] AA5AU RTTY Callsign database update, Jerry Flanders, 05:45
- [RTTY] HAM FAIR 2003 in Japan ?, dk3vn@nexgo.de, 04:50
- [RTTY] AA5AU RTTY Callsign database update, Tom Osborne, 00:12
October 24, 2002
- [RTTY] Thanks ARRL from AA5AU, N6EU, 23:26
- [RTTY] AA5AU RTTY Callsign database update, Don Hill AA5AU, 23:25
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ E-mail address, Jim Reisert AD1C, 23:09
- [RTTY] Thanks ARRL, Don Hill AA5AU, 22:17
- [RTTY] New list member, Don Hill AA5AU, 21:33
- [RTTY] New list member, IronmanY2k, 21:13
- [RTTY] Thanks to BARTG (again), Don Hill AA5AU, 20:34
- [RTTY] qsl help, Ray Lindquist, 13:42
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ E-mail address, <jan-eric.rehn@telia.com (Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER - 7S3A), 09:21
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ E-mail address, Robert Bajuk, 09:18
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ E-mail address, Dr. Wolf-E. Gruening, 09:15
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ E-mail address, Robert Bajuk, 07:54
October 23, 2002
- [RTTY] ISA soundcards and motherboards for sale, George Henry, 21:58
- [RTTY] re: 751A, Tom Osborne, 21:12
- [RTTY] zl7c on 10, <w9ol@billnjudy.com (FireBrick), 20:57
- [RTTY] qsl help, Andrew Williss, 18:16
- [RTTY] Looking for a RTTY Program, Richard W. Solomon, 18:03
- [RTTY] NA 10M CQ/RJ 1st place, Anderson, Charles, MSG, 255ACS, SCS, 6820, 13:30
- [RTTY] JARTS K1UG - A lowly (but keen) effort., Marc Tinkler, 10:44
- [RTTY] qsl help, Ken Eigsti, 10:41
- [RTTY] JARTS 2002 W8UL SOABL, John W. Tipka, 08:25
- [RTTY] YU8/S57AW - JARTS RTTY 2002, Robert Bajuk, 03:27
October 22, 2002
- [RTTY] 751A, Don Hill AA5AU, 23:50
- [RTTY] Going on vacation.... How do I drop off the list?, Joe Wittmer, 22:26
- [RTTY] 751A, Don Hill AA5AU, 21:37
- [RTTY] RW9C JARTS 2002 MS HP, Serge UA9CGA, 21:21
- [RTTY] 751A, Andrew J O'Brien, 20:22
- [RTTY] G0URR SOABLP, Kok Chen, 20:07
- [RTTY] 751A, Tom Osborne, 20:00
- [RTTY] JARTS K1US, Tom Osborne, 19:48
- [RTTY] G0URR SOABLP, <g0urr@btopenworld.com (Robert Webb), 18:34
- [RTTY] Going on vacation.... How do I drop off the list?, Matt L, 18:26
- [RTTY] Sent age missing in WF1B log, Olda Linhart - OK1YM, 17:28
- [RTTY] 751A, Jay, 14:33
- [RTTY] Re: RTTY digest, Vol 1 #621 - 14 msgs, Kok Chen, 14:07
- [RTTY] KG4 Prefixes, Kok Chen, 13:51
- [RTTY] Copying RTTY in your head, llindblom@juno.com, 13:16
- [RTTY] Re: RTTY digest, Vol 1 #621 - 14 msgs, Jurgen Geldhof, 13:08
- [RTTY] Copying RTTY in your head, Don Hill AA5AU, 12:18
- [RTTY] KG4 Prefixes, Jerry Flanders, 11:13
- [RTTY] Does K6STI RITTY work on *any* PCI-based SoundBlaster cards?, Bill Turner, 11:07
- [RTTY] KG4 Prefixes, ak0a, 10:51
- [RTTY] KG4XXX is 4th district, not Gitmo, Jon Harder, 10:39
- [RTTY] JARTS K1US, Jon Harder, 10:14
- [RTTY] Copying RTTY in your head, Barry , 09:53
- [RTTY] NT1V minor effort in Jarts - FUN!, BobBoyd, 07:53
- [RTTY] Does K6STI RITTY work on *any* PCI-based SoundBlaster cards?, WA9ALS - John, 07:18
- [RTTY] Average ages at GU0SUP, Phil Cooper, 05:21
- [RTTY] JARTS, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604, 01:05
- [RTTY] JARTS - N6EU SOAB HP, N6EU, 00:44
- [RTTY] JARTS, <rkolarik@neb.rr.com (Ron Kolarik), 00:28
October 21, 2002
- [RTTY] JARTS, Gil Baron, 23:43
- [RTTY] Does K6STI RITTY work on *any* PCI-based SoundBlaster cards?, Gil Baron, 23:43
- [RTTY] JARTS SOABLP HB9AWS, Casper Caduff, 23:43
- [RTTY] Received today Plaque for ARRL RTTY Round up, Earl, 20:58
- [RTTY] ON LINE SUMMARY requirement by JARTS Contest, Maza JA1BHK, 19:28
- [RTTY] Copying RTTY in your head, Andrew J O'Brien, 17:50
- [RTTY] JARTS - J41YM SOAB HP, Olda Linhart - OK1YM, 17:38
- [RTTY] Does K6STI RITTY work on *any* PCI-based SoundBlaster cards?, <w1zt@arrl.net (George Johnson), 17:36
- [RTTY] JARTS AA5AU Single Op HP, Don Hill AA5AU, 17:27
- [RTTY] average age of us RTTY'ers, Dave W7DPW, 16:00
- [RTTY] NT1V minor effort in JARTS, BobBoyd, 16:00
- [RTTY] RE: average age of us RTTY'ers, Jim Shank, 15:55
- [RTTY] Jarts 2002 DL4RCK SOAB, <dl4rck@t-online.de (Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK), 15:16
- [RTTY] Does K6STI RITTY work on *any* PCI-based SoundBlaster cards?, Jim Reisert, 15:08
- [RTTY] average age of us RTTY'ers, Siegfried Semba, 14:43
- [RTTY] DL1ZBO, JARTS WW RTTY 2002, Claimed Score, Rainer Hilgardt, 14:16
- [RTTY] JARTS, Jim Shank, 14:04
- [RTTY] GU0SUP - JARTS SOABLP, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 13:07
- [RTTY] JARTS Rules, G.W. Hellman, 12:03
- [RTTY] JARTS, William Boeckenhaupt, 11:05
- [RTTY] JARTS 2002, Dick White, 10:57
- [RTTY] ZL7C RTTY on 21080 up, Waldemar DK3VN, 08:58
- [RTTY] ZL7C RTTY on 21080 up, Waldemar DK3VN, 08:34
- [RTTY] ZL7C RTTY on 21080 up, Waldemar DK3VN, 08:30
- [RTTY] Jarts SOAB - O H 2 B P, Kari Hirvonen, 04:48
October 20, 2002
- [RTTY] OK, I'm a moron!, Ed Tanton, 22:59
- [RTTY] K4GMH JARTS SOAB, Mike, 21:33
- [RTTY] dos software, anthony w. deprato WA4JQS, 19:54
- [RTTY] OK, I'm a moron!, Tom Osborne, 16:36
- [RTTY] OK, I'm a moron!, <sschultz@megsinet.net (Scott Schultz), 11:42
- [RTTY] GW4SKA SOSB15, John Barber, 09:43
October 18, 2002
- [RTTY] BARTG Certificate, Tom Burkhart, 19:16
- [RTTY] BARTG, ps7zz, 18:34
- [RTTY] BARTG award, va3dx@sympatico.ca, 15:08
- [RTTY] error codes, David Barnes, 13:08
- [RTTY] IH9/DF4OR, <ekki@plicht.de (Ekki DF4OR), 11:29
- [RTTY] ZL7C, Bob Boyd, 11:09
- [RTTY] JARTS, Don Hill AA5AU, 09:38
- [RTTY] JARTS, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 09:20
- [RTTY] ZL7C, Jim McDonald, 09:16
- [RTTY] zl7C, JV, 08:55
- [RTTY] ZL7C, Jim McDonald, 08:29
- [RTTY] VP6DI QSL, d.hulatt@btinternet.com, 07:59
- [RTTY] ZL7C, DJ3IW Goetz, 04:49
- [RTTY] zl7C - RTTY!, Phil Cooper, 03:31
- [RTTY] J75PA (Was: 3W2LWS 20m/15m RTTY rec'd), Costas Krallis SV1XV, 01:35
October 17, 2002
- [RTTY] zl7C, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604, 23:23
- [RTTY] zl7C, William Boeckenhaupt, 22:20
- [RTTY] zl7C, Fred Souto Maior, 22:03
- [RTTY] 3W2LWS 20m/15m RTTY rec'd, Waldemar DK3VN, 15:30
- [RTTY] Re: JARTS and DX cluster, Maza JA1BHK, 14:55
- [RTTY] Re: JARTS and DX cluster, Maza JA1BHK, 14:31
- [RTTY] Re: 5V7XO QSL Card, W0YR@aol.com, 06:34
- [RTTY] Re: 5V7XO QSL Card, Phil Cooper, 06:27
- [RTTY] Re: 5V7XO QSL Card, Costas Krallis SV1XV, 05:15
October 16, 2002
- [RTTY] RTTY, Larry L Lindblom, 19:38
- [RTTY] 2002 BARTG, WA9ALS - John, 19:35
- [RTTY] JARTS and DX cluster, Don Hill AA5AU, 19:04
- [RTTY] CQ - WPX Contest, Chuck Prindle, 18:03
- [RTTY] TNX CQ ES RTTY Journal, Fidel Leon, 17:27
- [RTTY] JARTS and DX cluster, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 17:24
- [RTTY] Thanks BARTG !, <ur5ffc@odessa.net (UR5FFC), 15:19
- [RTTY] JARTS and DX cluster, Olda Linhart - OK1YM, 14:57
- [RTTY] Insert Key, ak0a, 11:00
- [RTTY] Thanks BARTG, DJ3IW Goetz, 10:32
October 13, 2002
- [RTTY] The Anatolian WW RTTY 2002 results compiled, Waldemar DK3VN, 18:01
- [RTTY] Sprint to Cabrillo, Tom Osborne, 16:12
- [RTTY] NA Sprint RTTY W8UL LP, John W. Tipka, 14:51
- [RTTY] W9ILY ABLP Sprint, <w9ily@arrl.net (John Holmes), 14:46
- [RTTY] XP revealed, K4SB, 13:40
- [RTTY] 9L1BTB, Dave W7DPW, 13:22
- [RTTY] 9L1BTB QSL Card, Dave W7DPW, 13:17
- [RTTY] NA Sprint RTTY W2UP HP score, Barry , 09:09
- [RTTY] KI1G CQWW RTTY M/2 HP, Rick Davenport, 08:30
- [RTTY] Card received from 3XY6A, Bob Boyd, 08:01
October 12, 2002
- [RTTY] Help VERY old KAM, DJ3IW Goetz, 18:05
- [RTTY] Availble for sprint team, Barry , 16:14
- [RTTY] Re: [TCG] RTTY Sprint Team Registered, Larry L Lindblom, 16:01
- [RTTY] [TCG] RTTY Sprint Team Registered, Larry L Lindblom, 15:53
- [RTTY] CQWW - RW9WA, Waldemar DK3VN, 15:47
- [RTTY] FS ON RTTY, Waldemar DK3VN, 14:59
- [RTTY] SV5/G4OBK RTTY, Shelby Summerville, 14:50
- [RTTY] FS ON RTTY, Ken K7ZUM, 12:43
- [RTTY] CQWW - RW9WA, <ur5ffc@odessa.net (UR5FFC), 12:39
- [RTTY] New RCKRtty Version V2.18, <dl4rck@t-online.de (Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK), 12:26
- [RTTY] RTTY Callsign Database Update 10/12/02, Don Hill AA5AU, 12:07
- [RTTY] CQWW - RW9WA, Vladimir V. Sidorov, 11:23
- [RTTY] kk5oq sosb cq ww 2002, Anderson, Charles, MSG, 255ACS, SCS, 6820, 09:30
- [RTTY] CQWW - RW9WA, Uli Stolz, DJ9XB, 09:02
October 11, 2002
- [RTTY] [TCG} RTTY Sprint Team--LAST CALL, Larry L Lindblom, 21:19
- [RTTY] NA Sprint question, Jay, 21:02
- [RTTY] NA Sprint question, Barry , 20:13
- [RTTY] Bugbear virus, AE9D, 20:10
- [RTTY] Re: QSL-Info HP1XVH in RTTY, Costas Krallis SV1XV, 18:55
- [RTTY] Bugbear virus, John Barber, 17:38
- [RTTY] QSL-Info HP1XVH in RTTY, Wil DJ7AA, 16:51
- [RTTY] Bugbear virus, Gil Baron, 14:47
- [RTTY] Bugbear virus, John Barber, 14:11
- [RTTY] Virus..., Jim McDonald, 13:33
- [RTTY] Virus..., K4SB, 12:02
- [RTTY] Virus..., K4SB, 11:57
- [RTTY] Virus..., Jim McDonald, 11:10
- [RTTY] Virus..., Bill Turner, 10:23
- [RTTY] log it9stx s.o. 20mt hp, <bobstx@tin.it (Bob), 08:32
October 10, 2002
- [RTTY] Re: Log Submission, Jay, 23:37
- [RTTY] [TCG] RTTY Sprinters, Larry L Lindblom, 20:46
- [RTTY] Virus..., Wayne, 17:22
- [RTTY] ANARTS contest 2002, Costas Krallis SV1XV, 11:18
- [RTTY] W9HLY SOAB LP CQ WW RTTY 2002, Vern, 10:50
- [RTTY] W9ILY CQWW 10M LP, <w9ily@arrl.net (John Holmes), 08:27
- [RTTY] XU7ABN Address and recommended mailing procedure?, Waldemar DK3VN, 03:11
October 09, 2002
- [RTTY] RTTY Sprint Teams, Larry L Lindblom, 21:24
- [RTTY] DL1ZBO, CQ WW RTTY 2002, Claimed Score, Rainer Hilgardt, 12:59
- [RTTY] Changed email address, Phil Cooper, 09:53
- [RTTY] UR-DX-C RTTY date ?, Vladimir A. Gordienko, 08:00
- Fw: [RTTY] RE: RTTY Sprint, <g0urr@btopenworld.com (Robert Webb), 03:16
- [RTTY] ZL2AMI QSL's, Bob Stewart, 00:39
October 07, 2002
- [RTTY] 2002 CQ/RJ WW RTTY Contest--call for pictures, W6OTC, 22:40
- [RTTY] JARTS RTTY Contest October 19-20, Don Hill AA5AU, 21:52
- [RTTY] RTTY Sprint Teams, Larry L Lindblom, 21:37
- [RTTY] Re: NCJ RTTY Sprint, Don Hill AA5AU, 13:13
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ WW Contest 9M6LSC SOAB LP, Shunichiro Wakiyama, 12:10
October 05, 2002
- [RTTY] Robot reject, Tom Osborne, 23:30
- [RTTY] Robot reject, Tom Osborne, 20:46
- [RTTY] CQ WW RTTY Contest oy4tn, Trygvi Nysted, 18:09
- [RTTY] HA3LI CQ/RJ WW RTTY SOAB HP, Alajos Nagy, 15:10
- [RTTY] W2UP CQWW RTTY SO/LP results + stats (long), Barry , 11:56
- [RTTY] A few pictures - HAMRADIO 2002, Friedrichshafen-Germany, Waldemar DK3VN, 07:30
October 03, 2002
- [RTTY] CQWW Log, Tom Osborne, 23:19
- [RTTY] CQWW Log, Tom Osborne, 20:55
- [RTTY] AA5AU WriteLog Website Update, Don Hill AA5AU, 19:31
- [RTTY] ww/rj canadian areas, va3dx@sympatico.ca, 15:37
- [WriteLog] Re: [RTTY] New Virus, K4SB, 13:44
- [RTTY] VP2VE, <w9ol@billnjudy.com (FireBrick), 12:36
- [RTTY] ww/rj canadian areas, Tom Homewood, 10:07
- [RTTY] Something about the NCJ Sprint CW/SSB/RTTY Rules, Waldemar DK3VN, 08:25
- [RTTY] For serious contesters, zepm@bluewin.ch, 06:45
- [RTTY] Log Checking, Jay, 00:11
October 02, 2002
- [RTTY] New Virus (Offtopic) ATTN K4GMH!, Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604, 22:52
- [RTTY] New Virus (Offtopic) ATTN K4GMH!, WA9ALS - John, 22:30
- [RTTY] Thanks for Lili Well Wishes, Don Hill AA5AU, 21:06
- [RTTY] ww/rj canadian areas, <w1zt@arrl.net (George Johnson), 16:25
- [RTTY] Re: [GQRP] Super glue, Mike W, 14:40
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ WW, Dick White, 13:55
- [RTTY] Rigblaster Plus..., Andy, 13:36
- [RTTY] W1AW, Jay, 13:29
- [RTTY] CQ WW - HB9AWS SOAB LP, Casper Caduff, 13:00
- [RTTY] W1AW op - WS7I!!!, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 12:28
- [RTTY] ww/rj canadian areas, Dirk Desloovere, 11:37
- [RTTY] SM5FUG CQWW SOHP score, Jan Palmquist, 10:22
- [RTTY] qsl info, Venco Stojcev, 09:08
- [RTTY] Who was the op at W1AW?, Frank Fallon, 08:30
- [RTTY] Program Removal, <w9ol@billnjudy.com (FireBrick), 07:26
- [RTTY] Program Removal, Bob Stewart, 07:02
- [RTTY] Program Removal, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 05:38
- [RTTY] MMTTY receive problems, <ur5ffc@odessa.net (UR5FFC), 00:04
October 01, 2002
- [RTTY] WA9ALS CQWWRTTY M2, WA9ALS - John, 23:36
- [RTTY] Re: TrueRTTY headaches, Dinsterdog@aol.com, 23:27
- [RTTY] 2002 CQ/RJ WW HC8N M/2 Results, W6OTC, 23:13
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ WW RTTYContest VE6YR SOABHP, VE6YR@aol.com, 23:03
- [RTTY] YA/G0TQJ RTTY cards are out, Don Hill AA5AU, 21:33
- [RTTY] NCJ RTTY NAQP, k7wm, 20:05
- [RTTY] MMTTY receive problems, Richard Ferch, 19:18
- [RTTY] Last Weeks CQWW RTTY Contest, Bob Boyd, 19:14
- [RTTY] 5V7XO QSL Card, François Normant, 18:57
- [RTTY] MMTTY receive problems, Andrew J O'Brien, 18:12
- [RTTY] MMTTY receive problems, <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net (Jim Martin), 17:16
- [RTTY] DL4RCK SOABLP in CQWW Rtty 2002, <dl4rck@t-online.de (Walter Dallmeier, DL4RCK), 14:13
- [RTTY] Who was the op at W1AW?, <pcooper@guernsey.net (Phil Cooper), 13:25
- [RTTY] KH7X, Alcolado Antonio, 10:01
- [RTTY] CQ/RJ WW RTTY - OH2BP, Kari Hirvonen, 09:59
- [RTTY] K4WW SOAB(A)HP, Shelby Summerville, 06:57
- [RTTY] MMTTY question, Ekki Plicht, 05:57
- [RTTY] CQ WW - OH2BP SOAB, Kari Hirvonen, 05:14
- [RTTY] Fw: [3830] CQ/RJ WW RTTY KI5XP(@W5WMU) M/S HP, <g0urr@btopenworld.com (Robert Webb), 04:14
- [RTTY] UPDATE RTTY DATABASE, Siegfried.Semba@t-online.de, 02:10
- [RTTY] VE7CF CQWW SOABHP-Claimed, Jack Wiebe, 01:03
- [RTTY] YU7AE SOSB20m, Karolj Kormos, 00:23