Amps Mailing List (date)
July 31, 2000
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Phil Clements, 21:24
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Tom Rauch, 21:18
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Tom Rauch, 21:05
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, measures, 20:55
- [AMPS] 2000 ARRL Handbook question, measures, 20:15
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Phil Clements, 20:02
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Joe Subich, W8IK, 19:17
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Mike Sawyer, 18:24
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Tom Rauch, 12:21
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Phil Clements, 11:05
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Phil Clements, 10:49
- [AMPS] DC Output, Peter Chadwick, 09:51
- [AMPS] DC Output, Jeff Wolf, 09:41
- [AMPS] DC Output, Firson, YD1BIH, 08:52
- [AMPS] DC Output, Phil (VA3UX), 08:24
- [AMPS] Rf high current caps for sale in Finland, sm5ki, 07:48
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Greg Gobleman, 07:18
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes,, 06:55
- [AMPS] Vacuum relays, UT7CT ---> Anton Koval, 05:11
July 30, 2000
- [AMPS] SELL: 8877 component package, Ronald Lumachi, 22:20
- [AMPS] Questions on Swan Mark 2 Amp, Tom Barber, 22:04
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Tom Rauch, 20:45
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Tom Rauch, 20:45
- [AMPS] WTB plate transformer, Mike Sawyer, 20:28
- [AMPS] WTB plate transformer, Michael O. Hyder, 16:06
- [AMPS] FS rf filters,, 15:04
- [AMPS] WTB plate transformer, G SEVEN, 14:35
- [AMPS] WANTED: squirrel cage flat profile blower, Ronald Lumachi, 13:25
- [AMPS] SB1000, Phil Clements, 11:31
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Phil Clements, 11:18
- [AMPS] SB1000, Vic Rosenthal, 10:25
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Tom Rauch, 07:44
- [AMPS] SB1000, NICK WALLACE, 03:37
- [AMPS] Re: MLA-2500B, Steve Thompson, 03:04
July 29, 2000
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, measures, 21:57
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Tom Rauch, 21:51
- [AMPS] Alpha 76, measures, 21:37
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Phil Clements, 21:09
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, measures, 20:00
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Greg Gobleman, 16:26
- [AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes, Phil Clements, 14:32
- [AMPS] Warm-up time for Eimac 8875, Phil Clements, 14:13
- [AMPS] FS AMP PARTS,, 09:29
- [AMPS] Surplus tubes, UT7CT ---> Anton Koval, 06:54
July 28, 2000
- [AMPS] Need: MLA-2500 Parts Source, Phil Clements, 20:19
- [AMPS] Ferrite rod wanted, Conrad Farlow, 15:05
- [AMPS] Johnson Tube Sockets 124-0112-001,, 11:39
- [AMPS] URM 107 Specs, peter spurr, 10:56
- [AMPS] URM 107 Specs, Roger Glover, 07:57
- [AMPS] URM 107 Specs, peter spurr, 04:15
- [AMPS] Red RG-59/U, Michael Tope, 01:03
July 27, 2000
- [AMPS] MLA-2500B Question, measures, 13:41
- [AMPS] MLA-2500B Question, measures, 12:20
- [AMPS] RF power calibration, Peter Chadwick, 11:52
- [AMPS] RF power calibration, John T. M. Lyles, 11:46
- [AMPS] MLA-2500B Question, Phil Clements, 11:13
- [AMPS] Power Limit, Michael O. Hyder, 10:44
- [AMPS] Power Limit, Firson, YD1BIH, 10:00
- [AMPS] SELL: Dentrol MLA2500 air capacitors, Ronald Lumachi, 08:14
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?,, 07:33
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Peter Chadwick, 06:58
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?,, 06:49
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Peter Chadwick, 03:12
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Peter Chadwick, 03:00
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Tom Tishken KD4WOV(laptop), 00:07
July 26, 2000
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, measures, 22:31
- [AMPS] FS: Pi Coil set, Radio WC6W, 19:29
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Tom Rauch, 16:14
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Jim Reid, 14:44
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Tom Rauch, 12:44
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Tom Rauch, 11:44
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Phil Clements, 10:53
- [AMPS] FCC certification - how do they do it?, Fred Fliss, 02:13
- [AMPS] SK831 base, Steve Thompson, 02:01
July 25, 2000
- [AMPS] FS: Pi Coil set + Bandswitch / Contactor / Filament choke, Radio WC6W, 23:23
- [AMPS] Bird 43 100 watt, 2-30 MHz (100H) slug., Kenneth C. Falk, CCIM, 20:28
- [AMPS] 8873 retro in a Heathkit SB-230,, 19:19
- [AMPS] 4CX1600U/GS023B - $120 pair delivered, UT7CT ---> Anton Koval, 15:47
- [AMPS] 8902 Amplifier Tube ???, Jeff Wolf, 15:42
- [AMPS] 8873, Dennis Kippa, 14:36
- [AMPS] 8902 Amplifier Tube ???,, 14:12
- [AMPS] PushPull,, 11:08
- [AMPS] PushPull, Firson, YD1BIH, 10:13
- [AMPS] PushPull, Peter Chadwick, 09:24
- [AMPS] PushPull, measures, 09:13
- [AMPS] PushPull, Michael O. Hyder, 08:53
- [AMPS] PushPull, Tom Rauch, 06:53
- [AMPS] Test: Ignore, peter spurr, 04:17
July 24, 2000
- [AMPS] RE: Plate cap dims..., Mike Baker, 21:58
- [AMPS] FS YC156,, 21:28
- [AMPS] Plate cap diameter question?? Quick!, Mike Sawyer, 20:46
- [AMPS] Plate cap diameter question?? Quick!, Mike Baker, 18:35
- [AMPS] New pix, Larry Molitor, 18:16
- [AMPS] SV: <inget ämne>, sm5ki, 02:42
- No subject, Peter Chadwick, 02:27
July 23, 2000
- [AMPS] manuals URL,, 15:39
- [AMPS] HV Fusing / Diode Protection, measures, 14:32
- [AMPS] Dumb directly heated cathode amp operational questions, measures, 14:32
- [AMPS] Bird 43, 2500H element, Kenneth C. Falk, CCIM, 14:02
- [AMPS] SELL:Dentron MLA2500tank circuit/bandswitch assembly, Ronald Lumachi, 13:37
- [AMPS] WTB: Clipperton-L, Gene Alan Williamson C., 13:27
- [AMPS] HV board indicators.,, 12:45
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, phil, 11:07
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, Bob Duckworth, 05:49
July 19, 2000
- [AMPS] HFL-1000, W6FRMARV, 23:54
- [AMPS] 2-meters amp with GI7B ?, Anders Karlsson, 18:12
- [AMPS] Data on HFL-1000, W6FRMARV, 11:43
- [AMPS] Dentron Matchboxes?,, 08:54
- [AMPS] SELL: Heath SB220 tank circuit,, 08:13
July 17, 2000
- [AMPS] RE: Tuning Pulser, Phillip Johnson, 23:18
- [AMPS] Re: [50MHz] SELL: Dedicated 6m Heath SB220 amplifier,, 21:46
- [AMPS] AL-572 - MODIFICATIONS, UT7CT--> Anton Koval, 17:20
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, measures, 17:01
- [AMPS] Vacuum variable, SV8CS Spiros Chimarios, 16:49
- [AMPS] homebrew ATU for homebrew amp, phil, 14:57
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, phil, 14:55
- [AMPS] Re: [Antennas] homebrew ATU for homebrew amp, Jim Reid, 13:46
- [AMPS] Amp choices for new shack: AL-572, AL-80B, Centurion,QRO HF2000, Peter Chadwick, 04:14
- [AMPS] High Voltage Power Supply, Voltage Doubler Question ???, Steve Thompson, 02:33
- [AMPS] homebrew ATU for homebrew amp, dcckc, 00:51
July 16, 2000
- [AMPS] Proper Wire Size for "L" Tank Coil?, measures, 20:33
- [AMPS] Looking for amp tuning pulser, measures, 20:33
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, measures, 20:16
- [AMPS] resistors, measures, 20:07
- [AMPS] Proper Wire Size for "L" Tank Coil?, Tom Rauch, 17:35
- [AMPS] GS31B, Eric Lauwers, 16:39
- [AMPS] Looking for amp tuning pulser, Phillip Johnson, 14:14
- [AMPS] resistors, Radio WC6W, 14:10
- [AMPS] Proper Wire Size for "L" Tank Coil?, Radio WC6W, 13:59
- [AMPS] SB 230,, 12:22
- [AMPS] resistors,, 12:09
- [AMPS] High Voltage Power Supply, Voltage Doubler Question ???, Tom Rauch, 11:34
- [AMPS] Amps for DXpeditions,, 11:21
- [AMPS] New Pix, Larry Molitor, 11:15
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, Martin John Hallsworth, 11:09
- Fw: [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, Martin John Hallsworth, 11:08
- [AMPS] High Voltage Power Supply, Voltage Doubler Question ???, Mark S Graalman, 09:46
- [AMPS] High Voltage Power Supply, Voltage Doubler Question ???,, 00:01
July 15, 2000
- [AMPS] Amp Choices, Tom Rauch, 22:13
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, Martin John Hallsworth, 18:14
- [AMPS] Amp Choices, Michael Brown, 16:30
- [AMPS] Amp Choices, Ken Potter, 15:59
- [AMPS] Proper Wire Size for "L" Tank Coil?, Phil Clements, 13:54
July 14, 2000
- [AMPS] FS vaccume cap,s,, 19:45
- [AMPS] QE08/200, TH-328, Alek Petkovic, 19:33
- [AMPS] Amp choices for new shack: AL-572, AL-80B, Centurion, QROHF2000, Michael S. Mitchell, W6RW, 18:58
- [AMPS] Amp choices for new shack: AL-572, AL-80B, Centurion, QRO HF2000, Pat Rundall, 18:30
- [AMPS] Suitable blower for YC-125, phil, 10:28
- [AMPS] Re: Power Supply problem, Tom Rauch, 07:13
- [AMPS] stripline amp question, Mark Brown, 04:17
July 13, 2000
- [AMPS] Re: Power Supply problem, Edward Pagaduan, 23:45
- [AMPS] Re-tubing of SB230, Dimtcho, 19:50
- [AMPS] HUGE 0-280V.A.C. VARIAC for auction,, 16:49
- [AMPS] High Power Wattmeter, Court, 15:33
- [AMPS] Power Supply Question, Peter Chadwick, 08:29
- [AMPS] Power Supply Question, Tom Rauch, 08:20
- [AMPS] henry ps problems,, 03:14
- [AMPS] Power Supply Question, Edward Pagaduan, 01:38
- [AMPS] Re: Power Supply problem, John Hill, 00:07
July 12, 2000
- [AMPS] Power Supply Question, Phil Clements, 17:27
- [AMPS] Power Supply Question, Bruce Plantin, 16:05
- [AMPS] Power Supply Question,, 15:26
- No subject,, 14:15
- [AMPS] Data wanted, Mark Trotman, 11:24
- [AMPS] 3cx3000f7 for sale, Tom Hix W4TH, 10:32
- [AMPS] Data wanted CV445, Denis_Jackson@Mitel.COM, 08:07
- [AMPS] Data wanted, Conrad Farlow, 07:51
- [AMPS] Band Switches, Jim Stutzman, 06:21
July 10, 2000
- [AMPS] New pix, dcckc, 22:05
- [AMPS] New pix, Mike Blier, 20:54
- [AMPS] GS35b, Mark Trotman, 18:50
- [AMPS] New pix, Larry Molitor, 18:27
- [AMPS] Test-disregard, Charles, 15:44
July 08, 2000
- [AMPS] [Amps] PTT to RF time period, Chet Pierson, 15:10
- [AMPS] Need Specs. on Amer-Tran Transformer, Phil Clements, 14:45
- [AMPS] Tuned Input, Greg Gobleman, 08:55
- [AMPS] Tuned Input,, 08:47
- Subject: Re: [AMPS] Dentron L Tuned Input, Tom Rauch, 05:07
- [AMPS] Dentron Clipperton L Input Tuner,, 00:15
July 07, 2000
- Subject: Re: [AMPS] Dentron L Tuned Input, Jim Zellmer, 22:30
- [AMPS] vac variables wanted, Phil Clements, 22:03
- [AMPS] vac variables wanted, Conrad Farlow, 21:45
- [AMPS] WTB: 4CX1500A base, Steve Thompson, 19:47
- [AMPS] Tuned Input the rest of the question, John Simmons, 17:41
- [AMPS] Tuned Input, John Simmons, 16:56
July 06, 2000
- [AMPS] Dentron L Tuned Input, Phil Clements, 17:56
- [AMPS] GU43b: any suggestion ?, G.La Parola, IT9BLB, 14:36
- [AMPS] Dentron L Tuned Input,, 13:57
- [AMPS] Buzzing Relay, Norman Hockler, 13:16
- [AMPS] Buzzing Relay, Alexander, Mitch (LG-AT), 10:59
- [AMPS] The Art of Collecting Many Large Amplifiers!, Peter Chadwick, 10:31
- [AMPS] The Art of Collecting Many Large Amplifiers!, Charles Schwartz, 10:23
- [AMPS] The Art of Collecting Many Large Amplifiers!, Ed Dial, 10:14
- [AMPS] SELL:8877 Deck Components,, 08:11
- [AMPS] The Art of Collecting Many Large Amplifiers!, Peter Chadwick, 04:30
July 05, 2000
- [AMPS] RCA 8916, Lamb, 21:32
- [AMPS] SSR's reforming electrolytic caps, Phil Clements, 11:23
- [AMPS] SSR's reforming electrolytic caps, Phil (VA3UX), 10:04
- [AMPS] SSR's reforming electrolytic caps, Tom Rauch, 07:22
- [AMPS] Tube 'Peak' Ratings, PhilHSS, 03:29
July 03, 2000
- [AMPS] SSR's reforming electrolytic caps,, 23:15
- [AMPS] Radio switch, Phil Clements, 21:31
- [AMPS] Radio switch, Arne Gjerning, 20:38
- [AMPS] Band switch, Jim Stutzman, 18:38
- [AMPS] Radio switch, Tom Rauch, 15:30
- [AMPS] a thank you,, 13:09
- [AMPS] TL-922A, measures, 12:18
- [AMPS] TL-922A, rb, 10:43
- [AMPS] The Art of Collecting Many Large Amplifiers!, YZ6X Sasha Kraljevich, 08:08
- [AMPS] Alpha info,, 02:04