August 2013 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Aug 1 16:24:36 EDT 2013
Ending: Sat Aug 31 15:01:45 EDT 2013
Messages: 367
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 127, Issue 16
G. Whyte
- Topband: DSL vs Wi-Max
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: DSL vs Wi-Max
Milt -- N5IA
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
Mike Waters
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
Bob Eldridge
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
Bob Kupps
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
- Topband: Tree conductivity
Rudy Severns
- Topband: Prince Edward and Marion Islands, ZS8
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Prince Edward and Marion Islands, ZS8
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
Jim Monahan
- Topband: Signal attenuation from foliage near 160m antenna
Mike Waters
- Topband: Prince Edward and Marion Islands, ZS8
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: attenuation from foliage...
- Topband: Tree conductivity
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Tree conductivity
Bob Kupps
- Topband: Tree conductivity
Ulrich Weiss
- Topband: Fwd: Dielectric effect on bare vs. coated wire
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: tree losses
Rudy Severns
- Topband: tree losses
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
- Topband: tree losses
Richard Fry
- Topband: trees and antennas
Jon Zaimes AA1K
- Topband: tree losses
jim rogers
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
Yuri Blanarovich
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
donovanf at
- Topband: The Beverage Antenna Handbook
Bob Cutter
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
Joe Subich, W4TV
- Topband: tree losses
Tom W8JI
- Topband: The Beverage Antenna Handbook
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
n4cc at
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
Cqtestk4xs at
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
Joshua M. Arritt
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: tree losses
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
donovanf at
- Topband: Beverage Handbook sold
Bob Cutter
- Topband: tree losses
- Topband: tree losses
- Topband: best core material?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: best core material?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: tree losses
Mike Waters
- Topband: best core material?
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: best core material?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: best core material?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: tree losses
Tom W8JI
- Topband: best core material?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
Tom W8JI
- Topband: best core material?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: best core material?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: tree losses
Mike Waters
- Topband: best core material?
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: best core material?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Blame it on global warming
Mike Armstrong
- Topband: best core material?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: best core material?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: best core material?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: best core material?
- Topband: tree losses
donovanf at
- Topband: best core material?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: tree losses
Rudy Severns
- Topband: transmitting beverages
Rudy Severns
- Topband: Blame D-Layer effectiveness on the seasons
Joshua M. Arritt
- Topband: tree losses
Tom W8JI
- Topband: tree losses
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: tree losses
Tom W8JI
- Topband: tree losses
Mike Armstrong
- Topband: tree losses
Mike Waters
- Topband: The solar magnetic field is about to flip, signalling the mid point of solar cycle 24
donovanf at
- Topband: (no subject)
Carl Jonsson
- Topband: (no subject)
Bob Kupps
- Topband: tree losses
Jim Brown
- Topband: Radio shopping and slightly off topic but....
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: tree losses
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Good or Bad Prop New
Jim GM
- Topband: Effect of trees
Robert Kavanagh
- Topband: Effect of trees
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of trees
Carl Jonsson
- Topband: Effect of trees
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Effect of trees
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Effect of trees
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Tree losses....
D. S. Coleman
- Topband: Radio shopping and slightly off topic but....
Richard Karlquist
- Topband: Effect of trees
- Topband: Radio shopping and slightly off topic but....
John E Bastin
- Topband: Tree losses....
Doug Renwick
- Topband: Tree losses....
D. S. Coleman
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Greg Chartrand
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Rick Stealey
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
donovanf at
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Jim Brown
- Topband: Tree losses....
Roger Parsons
- Topband: Tree Conductivity
Raoul Coetzee
- Topband: Tree losses....
Bob Kupps
- Topband: Tree Conductivity
- Topband: Fw: Tree Conductivity
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Greg Chartrand
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
- Topband: Fw: Tree Conductivity
Wayne Kline
- Topband: Condo Owners 160m poem.
Jim F.
- Topband: Condo Owners 160m poem.
chacuff at
- Topband: Condo Owners 160m poem. - A poem for DXers.
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Jim Brown
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Jim Brown
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Rick Stealey
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Grant Saviers
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Gary and Kathleen Pearse
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Mike Waters
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Chortek, Robert L
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Mike Waters
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
- Topband: FW: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
chacuff at
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Mike Waters
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Bill Tippett
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Goldtr8 (KD8NNU)
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Bob Harmon
- Topband: Beverage over Inverted L
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Don Johnson
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Clive GM3POI
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
- Topband: CQ160 Contest results now available
Andy Blank
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Garland
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: CQ160 Contest results now available
jz73 at
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
w7dra at
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Henry Pollock - K4TMC
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Garland
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
- Topband: CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
- Topband: CAT5 twisted pair
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: CAT5 twisted pair
- Topband: CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: CAT5 twisted pair
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
William Schneider
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Mike Waters
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
Mike Waters
- Topband: Beverage over Inverted L
Jose Orellana
- Topband: Beverage over Inverted L
Mike Waters
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Dave G4GED
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Antw: Re: Lightning QRN season?
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Baluns?
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Use of CAT 5 cable to feed a Beverage
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
mstangelo at
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
Luis Mansutti IV3PRK
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
John Harden, D.M.D.
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Cat 5
steve.root at
- Topband: Cat 5
George Dubovsky
- Topband: Vertical vs inverted L question/opinions
Joe Giacobello, K2XX
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: FW: Lightning QRN season?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Lightning QRtopband <topband at> season?
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Jim Brown
- Topband: Zo of an individual CAT5 twisted pair
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Lightning QRN season?
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune' electrical fence
Tomas Magyla
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Tom W8JI
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Tomas Magyla
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Jim Brown
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Mike - W5JR
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Jim Brown
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Tom W8JI
- Topband: EZNEC Model for MA-160V
Bob Selbrede
- Topband: Bead balun waterproofing
- Topband: elevated 4-square
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Don Kirk
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Bead balun waterproofing
Jim Brown
- Topband: elevated 4-square
Jim Brown
- Topband: elevated 4-square
Brian Machesney
- Topband: TI5/KL9A on 160m
Eugene Popov /RA0FF/
- Topband: Bead balun waterproofing
MU 4CX250B
- Topband: Bead balun waterproofing
Jim Brown
- Topband: Bead balun waterproofing
Jim Garland
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Tomas Magyla
- Topband: Bead balun waterproofing
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Bead balun waterproofing
Jim Brown
- Topband: How to detune a wire Inverted L? How to 'detune'electrical fence
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Don Kirk
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Mike Waters
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Jim Brown
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Mike Waters
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistancetransformation issues)
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistancetransformation issues)
Tom W8JI
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistance transformation issues)
Jim Brown
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Fw: RX antenna transformer winding (pureresistancetransformation issues)
Bill Aycock
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding
n0tt1 at
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding (pure resistancetransformation issues)
Jim Brown
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding
George Dubovsky
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
w4buw at
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding
Don Kirk
- Topband: Fw: RX antenna transformer winding(pureresistancetransformation issues)
Bill Aycock
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding
mstangelo at
- Topband: RX antenna transformer winding
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: TI5/KL9A on 160m
Eugene Popov /RA0FF/
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Summer Stew results
- Topband: Radials in the pond..?
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Spiderbeam mast suggestions needed
Jim Garland
- Topband: Vertical Antennas
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: Spiderbeam mast suggestions needed
- Topband: Spiderbeam Topband Mast suggestions
Philip Smith
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Jim GM
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
- Topband: 160 meter activity
John Harden
- Topband: Best coax for direct burial?
Jim Garland
- Topband: Best coax for direct burial?
Anthony Scandurra
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Closed for the season or maybe just redecorating..
- Topband: J-310 FETs
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Paul Christensen
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Andy Ikin
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Mike Waters
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Two 2:1 transformers to choose from!!
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Andy Ikin
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Andy Ikin
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Bob Kupps
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Mike(W5UC) & Kathy (K5MWH)
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: Best coax for direct burial?
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Eugene Popov /RA0FF/
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: J-310
DnEMoth at
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
Jeff Blaine
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Mike Waters
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Andy Ikin
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Anyone have a boat load of J-310s?
Charlie Cunningham
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Mike Waters
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
Gene Smar
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Shoppa, Tim
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
Gene Smar
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
Lennart M
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: 160 meter activity.
Robert Briggs
- Topband: 160 meter activity
Pete Smith N4ZR
- Topband: Dual band shunt-feeding tower on 160/80
Pete Smith N4ZR
Jim Brown
- Topband: Effect of trees- tree appreciation
Bill Tippett
- Topband: WD1A wire
Larry Molitor
- Topband: WD1A wire
Herb Schoenbohm
- Topband: WD1A wire
- Topband: WD1A wire
Larry Molitor
- Topband: data follow up to W4ZV and K2AV comments
Tim Duffy
- Topband: Spiderbeam mast UV Resistance?
Jim Garland
- Topband: Spiderbeam mast UV Resistance?
Lup Schlueter
- Topband: WD1A wire
Neil G0JHC
- Topband: WD1A wire
ct1ilt at
- Topband: Spiderbeam mast UV Resistance?
Mike Cizek
- Topband: located a spool of WD1A wire with goggle search
Kevin Adam
- Topband: WD1A wire
Henk PA5KT
- Topband: Spiderbeam mast UV Resistance?
- Topband: Shunt Feed
Mike(W5UC) & Kathy (K5MWH)
- Topband: WD1 and WD1A wire
Craig Clark
- Topband: WD1 and WD1A wire
- Topband: Shunt Feed
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: WD1 and WD1A wire
- Topband: Nested Loops
Herb Schoenbohm
Last message date:
Sat Aug 31 15:01:45 EDT 2013
Archived on: Sat Aug 31 15:02:21 EDT 2013
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).