March 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Mar 1 00:19:54 EST 2015
Ending: Mon Mar 30 12:53:17 EDT 2015
Messages: 231
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Keith Jillings (G3OIT)
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Jeff AC0C
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Katz Ajamas
- Topband: Modeling "Ground" and losses
Bill Aycock
- Topband: Inverted L height vs. length.
Yuri Blanarovich
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Andy Blank
- Topband: Fw: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Andy Blank
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles
Jim Brown
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Jim Brown
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Jim Brown
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Jim Brown
- Topband: [Bulk] Re: RG-6 questions
Jim Brown
- Topband: Fw: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Jim Brown
- Topband: Fw: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Jim Brown
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Jim Brown
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Jim Brown
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Jim Brown
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Jim Brown
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Jim Brown
- Topband: DXCC Program Integrity
Larry Burke
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Larry Burke
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Larry Burke
- Topband: Polyphaser
- Topband: Polyphaser
- Topband: CADWELLS
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
- Topband: 160 Tower on 80
Paul Christensen
- Topband: Webinar - "Grayline Propagation, or Florida to Cocos (Keeling) on 80m"
Ken Claerbout
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Bill Cromwell
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
John Crovelli
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
John Crovelli
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
John Crovelli
- Topband: Additional Comments on Impact of Remote RX Systems
John Crovelli
- Topband: Fw: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Dave Blaschke, w5un
- Topband: Remote now DXCC??
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: DXCC Program Integrity
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Improving low angle reception DX Eng 8 ele Circle RCV Array
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Inverted L height vs. length.
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: [Bulk] Improving low angle reception DX Eng 8 ele Circle RCV Array
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: E30FB
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: from: wycpublic at
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- Topband: Modeling "Ground" and losses
Richard Fry
- Topband: Modeling "Ground" and losses
Richard Fry
- Topband: Modeling "Ground" and losses
Richard Fry
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles
Richard Fry
- Topband: BL&E: Dense vs. Sparse Buried Radials
Richard Fry
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles & Brown paper
Richard Fry
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
Brian D G3VGZ
- Topband: Additional Comments on Impact of Remote RX Systems
Bob Garrett
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Victor Goncharsky
- Topband: Additional Comments on Impact of Remote RX Systems
Victor Goncharsky
- Topband: CADWELLS
Mike Greenway
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 147, Issue 19
Mike Greenway
- Topband: CADWELL
Mike Greenway
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Joel Harrison
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Chuck Hutton
- Topband: 9Q0HQ
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report
- Topband: VE1PZ
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: W1OO SK
Roger D Johnson
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used WithVertical Monopoles
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles
Guy Olinger K2AV
- Topband: Rune Øye shared
- Topband: Eighteen years later, K9AY rethinks the receiving loop antenna
- Topband: Eighteen years later, K9AY rethinks the receiving loop antenna
- Topband: VE1PZ
Gary K9GS
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: VE1PZ
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- Topband: Over the Horizon Radar at it again...
Kriss A Kliegle
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Wayne Kline
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
- Topband: Use of remote receivers
- Topband: DSP and Latency
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
KE1F Lou
- Topband: Use of remote receivers
KE1F Lou
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles
D Rodman MD
- Topband: DSP and Latency
D Rodman MD
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Mark van Wijk, PA5MW
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Mark van Wijk, PA5MW
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Mark van Wijk, PA5MW
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Mark van Wijk, PA5MW
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Mark van Wijk, PA5MW
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Mark van Wijk, PA5MW
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Kris Mraz
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Matt Murphy
- Topband: FS: MFJ-1025 rx antenna phaser
Barry N1EU
- Topband: FS: MFJ-1025 rx antenna phaser
Barry N1EU
- Topband: BCB Inv L
Pete Smith N4ZR
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Milt -- N5IA
- Topband: Modeling "Ground" and losses
Bill N6MW
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles & Brown paper
Bill N6MW
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Braco OE1EMS
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Frank Bogers - ON9CC / PA9A
- Topband: Polyphaser
Brad Rehm
- Topband: DXCC Program Integrity
Doug Renwick
- Topband: DXCC Program Integrity
Doug Renwick
- Topband: Inverted L height vs. length.
Doug Renwick
- Topband: [Bulk] Improving low angle reception DX Eng 8 ele Circle RCV Array
Doug Renwick
- Topband: The silence is almost deafening!!!
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: ZS6BKW
James Rodenkirch
- Topband: [Bulk] Improving low angle reception DX Eng 8 ele Circle RCV Array
Grant Saviers
- Topband: [Bulk] Re: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Grant Saviers
- Topband: [Bulk] Re: RG-6 questions
Grant Saviers
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: Additional Comments on Impact of Remote RX Systems
Ed Sawyer
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Lew Sayre
- Topband: DXCC Program Integrity
Anthony Scandurra
- Topband: 160 Tower on 80
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: 160 Tower on 80
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: DXCC Program Integrity
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: My QTH Trivia
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: BCB Inv L
Herbert Schoenbohm
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
Doug Scribner
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Tim Shoppa
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Tim Shoppa
- Topband: Question...
Gary Smith
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report
Gary Smith
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Gary Smith
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Gary Smith
- Topband: Polyphaser
Art Snapper
- Topband: CADWELLS
Art Snapper
- Topband: Fw: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Art Snapper
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Art Snapper
- Topband: reverseable bev
Art Snapper
- Topband: BCB Inv L
Art Snapper
- Topband: Use of remote receivers
Rick Stealey
- Topband: Eighteen years later, K9AY rethinks the receiving loop antenna
Marsh Stewart
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Marsh Stewart
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Marsh Stewart
- Topband: ZS6BKW
Marsh Stewart
- Topband: ZS6BKW
Marsh Stewart
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Stan Stockton
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Stan Stockton
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Stan Stockton
- Topband: Question...
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Eddy Swynar
- Topband: 9Q0HQ
Guido Tedeschi
- Topband: ZS6BKW
Dan Maguire via Topband
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles
Eduardo Araujo via Topband
- Topband: Current Distribution on Buried Radials Used With Vertical Monopoles
Eduardo Araujo via Topband
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Jeff Woods via Topband
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Larry via Topband
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Larry via Topband
- Topband: Rune Øye shared "1_4wave_transformer.docx" with you
Rune via Dropbox via Topband
- Topband: Use of remote receivers
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
- Topband: Inverted L height vs. length.
Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA
- Topband: Fair Contest? It's the STEW PERRY !
Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA
- Topband: VE1PZ
Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: ZS6BKW
Mike Smith VE9AA
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Peter Voelpel
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter, Contests
- Topband: Modeling "Ground" and losses
Tom W8JI
- Topband: 160 Tower on 80
Tom W8JI
- Topband: DXCC Program Integrity
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Modeling "Ground" and losses
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Polyphaser
Tom W8JI
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Tom W8JI
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Tom W8JI
- Topband: Use of remote receivers
Tom W8JI
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
Tom W8JI
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report....
- Topband: What IS troubling about this report
- Topband: Eighteen years later, K9AY rethinks the receiving loop antenna
Mike Waters
- Topband: Eighteen years later, K9AY rethinks the receiving loop antenna
Mike Waters
- Topband: Eighteen years later, K9AY rethinks the receiving loop antenna
Mike Waters
- Topband: How's propagation ?
Mike Waters
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Mike Waters
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Mike Waters
- Topband: [Bulk] Re: RG-6 questions
Mike Waters
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Mike Waters
- Topband: [Bulk] Re: RG-6 questions
Mike Waters
- Topband: RG-6 questions
Bill Wichers
- Topband: CADWELLS
Bill Wichers
- Topband: CADWELLS
Bill Wichers
- Topband: DSP and Latency
Bill Wichers
- Topband: Polyphaser
Greg Wilson
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Greg - ZL3IX
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
- Topband: Question...
mstangelo at
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
mstangelo at
- Topband: RG-6 questions
mstangelo at
- Topband: RG-6 questions
mstangelo at
- Topband: Fw: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
mstangelo at
- Topband: from: wycpublic at
wycpublic at
- Topband: 160 Tower on 80
n0tt1 at
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
n2kw at
- Topband: How's propagation ?
- Topband: Fw: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
- Topband: reverseable bev
- Topband: Fw: reverseable bev
- Topband: 9Q0HQ
- Topband: 9Q0HQ
john at
- Topband: Additional Comments on Impact of Remote RX Systems
john at
- Topband: Additional Comments on Impact of Remote RX Systems
john at
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Lennart m
- Topband: Use of Remote Receivers During 160 Meter Contests
Lennart m
- Topband: Inverted L height vs. length.
ve9aa at
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
kolson at
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
kolson at
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
kolson at
- Topband: ZS6BKW(G5RV) on 160m?
kolson at
- Topband: 160 Tower on 80
donovanf at
- Topband: [Bulk] Improving low angle reception DX Eng 8 ele Circle RCV Array
donovanf at
- Topband: VE1PZ
donovanf at
- Topband: 9Q0HQ
alfeohjt at
- Topband: 1/4 wave transformer
Rune Øye
- Topband: Topband Digest, Vol 147, Issue 25
Rune Øye
Last message date:
Mon Mar 30 12:53:17 EDT 2015
Archived on: Mon Mar 30 12:53:46 EDT 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).