June 2009 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Jun 1 08:50:25 PDT 2009
Ending: Tue Jun 30 21:38:50 PDT 2009
Messages: 281
- [VHFcontesting] a new Strategy for home and club stations
Andy Delgado, KE5EXX/R
- [VHFcontesting] 223.5 worth having
Ellen Rugowski
- [VHFcontesting] KG6IYN - What I did - Prep for June ARRL Contest - Sunday May 31st
Bruce Kripton
- [VHFcontesting] W3CCX active in June VHF Contest
William Shaw
- [VHFcontesting] Improvements to a Rover over the years
Marshall Williams
- [VHFcontesting] Luxury Roving
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] a new Strategy for home and club stations
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Fw: a new Strategy for home and club stations
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF Contest Plans from EM87
Dave Zeph
- [VHFcontesting] K8GP - ARRL June 2009 Contest Sked Request
K8GP Grid Pirates Contest Group
- [VHFcontesting] Alabama ARES FM Simplex Exercise (ARRL June VHF Contest)
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] troubleshooting 3G with a 1G slug
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] K4GUN/R plans for June ARRL contest
Steve Clifford
- [VHFcontesting] W2ENY head set RFI problems
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] September 2009 CX CONTEST Announcement
n8ofs at mjbrowns.com
- [VHFcontesting] "Maidenhead" iPhone App
Trent Fleming
- [VHFcontesting] Young girl ham
Steve Tripp (K1IIG)
- [VHFcontesting] VE3WCC multi-op from FN04 for ARRL June Contest
Glenn MacDonell
- [VHFcontesting] 222
Trent Fleming
- [VHFcontesting] June Contest Plans for KK6MC/r
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] 1st Time Rover-What the Hell was I thinking?
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] VE3CRU/W3,8,4/R in contest
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] K3LFO Rover Plans
Jim Erickson
- [VHFcontesting] N1LF/R Plans & Updates
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF Contest Plans - QRP Portable from Cape May
David Mennerich
- [VHFcontesting] K5RNT/R and KE5CLQ/R Route
- [VHFcontesting] Updates to www.kc9bqa.com -- Helpful advice for new V/UHF Contesters
Todd Sprinkmann
- [VHFcontesting] June ARRL Contest Plans - KG6IYN
Bruce Kripton
- [VHFcontesting] VE3/KC8QVO - EN39 June operations Update
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] W8PGW June VHF QSO plans
James French
- [VHFcontesting] AM-6155
- [VHFcontesting] WA2IID/R overnight skeds
Tom Knee
- [VHFcontesting] W4NH June Contest Plans
Jim Worsham
- [VHFcontesting] WA7JTM June Contest Plans DM36/DM46
Scola Pete-R22172
- [VHFcontesting] KC9BQA Contesting advice
Tammie M3ENF
- [VHFcontesting] 8660C won't go over 100MHz
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] [Mw] 8660C won't go over 100MHz
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] W3DHJ June VHF QSO Rover Activity - incl DM87 & DM88
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] KB7ME Contesting From Grid CN71
Mike Coogan
- [VHFcontesting] 6M - FN55-56-65-66
Henry Ingwersen, KT1J
- [VHFcontesting] WB4AEG June test
Hal Dale
- [VHFcontesting] The Plan
Joe Serocki
- [VHFcontesting] K3TD EM10
Tad Danley
- [VHFcontesting] KO4MA/R plans
Andrew Glasbrenner
- [VHFcontesting] N3XUD/R 3 Generation Contest Station
David All
- [VHFcontesting] VUAC White Paper on EME Rules
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] K7WA CN76xk
Jim Hadlock
- [VHFcontesting] N8UR -- EN75 operation in contest
John Ackermann N8UR
- [VHFcontesting] N8O /Portable Caboose...
n8ofs at mjbrowns.com
- [VHFcontesting] RE KO4MA/R plans
Bob Mantell
- [VHFcontesting] VE3NPB/r EN81 EN82 EN92 EN93 FN02 FN03 FN04 FN13 FN14
russell beech
- [VHFcontesting] Trade Unbuilt XVTR for 2304 XVTR
- [VHFcontesting] KB0HH Grid EM06vu June Contest Info
Tad C. Beverage KC5DPT at ARRL.NET
- [VHFcontesting] KR0VER/R June Rover Plans
Eric Watkins
- [VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r Plans in June Contest
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r Blog
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Rover Plans for Western Wyoming/Utah
Mark Ku7z
- [VHFcontesting] VE3CRU/W3/R Update
Bill Burgess
- [VHFcontesting] [Mw] 8660C won't go over 100MHz
Gary, N7IR
- [VHFcontesting] wanted to buy
Trent Fleming
- [VHFcontesting] WA2BTR/r Contest Plans- Cape Cod
danieltapp at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] Contest plans for KE4YYD EL79rv
David Hinton
- [VHFcontesting] 2ghz Antenna Avail
kevinemtid at sbcglobal.net
- [VHFcontesting] W9ZRX - EM87 Progress
Dave Zeph
- [VHFcontesting] DM31 plan in the works
Stephen Hooper
- [VHFcontesting] Problems, problems and more problems...
Steve Clifford
- [VHFcontesting] EN75 on this weekend
Tom Holmes, N8ZM
- [VHFcontesting] K2QO/r QRV for June 2009
Mark Adams
- [VHFcontesting] VE3SMA/R June VHF Contest Roving Plans
Steve Kavanagh
- [VHFcontesting] Michigan Stations active this weekend
James French
- [VHFcontesting] VA3CDD/r Sunday June 13 only rove plans for June 2009
Dean Denter
- [VHFcontesting] Distance and Bearing Program
Christopher Burke
- [VHFcontesting] K5QE operations in the VHF Contest
Marshall Williams
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF: W8RU and W8RU/R
Ron Majewski
- [VHFcontesting] K4LY EM85wb contest plans
Doug Allen
- [VHFcontesting] Add'l MI rover info -- full updates on http://www.kc9bqa.com
Todd Sprinkmann
- [VHFcontesting] Michigan Stations active this weekend
kb8u vhf
- [VHFcontesting] Bugs during contest prep
Chet, N8RA
- [VHFcontesting] Distance and Bearing Program
Jeff Thomas
- [VHFcontesting] WA4ZKO N-KY EM78pp plans
Jeff Thomas
- [VHFcontesting] K9ZF /R June VHF QSO Party plans....Crazy Dan the contest guy is at it again.
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] K6VCR June VHF QSO party
Tom Sneden, K6VCR
- [VHFcontesting] W9ZRX - EM87 - Final Effort
Dave Zeph
- [VHFcontesting] DM31
Stephen Hooper
- [VHFcontesting] Roving for June Contest
Andy Delgado, KE5EXX/R
- [VHFcontesting] CN71
Jon Casamajor
- [VHFcontesting] N5TIT/R Rover Contest Plans.
Jeffrey Smith
- [VHFcontesting] N0QXW plans - June VHF Contest
Matt Clauson N0QXW
- [VHFcontesting] N1LF/R Plans for Saturday
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] W0KVA Multi-Op DM89ci
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] Sigh
Joe Serocki
- [VHFcontesting] EN39 On The Air Update- VE3/KC8QVO
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] Relay Termination Loads
kevinemtid at sbcglobal.net
- [VHFcontesting] Potential use
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF QP - N0QXW/R recap
Matt Clauson N0QXW
- [VHFcontesting] June contest
Ron Klimas WZ1V
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF report
Steve Piotrowski
- [VHFcontesting] N8RA June VHF FN31
Chet, N8RA
- [VHFcontesting] K7CW in June Test
k7cw at yahoo.com
- [VHFcontesting] N1BUG FN55 contest comments, etc.
Paul Kelley N1BUG
- [VHFcontesting] Rovers-Did U keep ur Skeds?
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] IC-910H and Mirage Amp keying
Jon Casamajor
- [VHFcontesting] A good complaint
paul rollinson
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL June VHF N5TIT/R Limited Rover LP
Jeffrey Smith
- [VHFcontesting] June v/u contest
Steve Tripp (K1IIG)
- [VHFcontesting] Band opening
frank bechdoldt
- [VHFcontesting] Please participate in Field Day
STeve Andre'
- [VHFcontesting] [Fwd: ARRL June VHF K3TD Single Op LP]
Tad Danley
- [VHFcontesting] tons of W0KVA Multi-Op photos
Nate Duehr
- [VHFcontesting] Not the best results for K4GUN/R
Steve Clifford
- [VHFcontesting] Trade 1296 xvrt for 222
kr7o at vhfdx.com
- [VHFcontesting] Band opening
Paul Kiesel
- [VHFcontesting] Logging
Kevin Hobbs
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL June VHF W9SZ Single Op Port QRP
Zack Widup
- [VHFcontesting] Phoenix Persceptive (DM33)
- [VHFcontesting] Test
Kevin Hobbs
- [VHFcontesting] ARRL June VHF QSO Party - K7XC - S/O Low Power - NV
T. M.
- [VHFcontesting] log checkers?
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Test
Kevin Hobbs
- [VHFcontesting] K9ZF/R 2009 June VHF QSO Party report, or Murphy strikes again
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] subscribe
Kevin Hobbs
- [VHFcontesting] For Sale 1296 xvtr
kr7o at vhfdx.com
- [VHFcontesting] June VHF Results
Dustin Williams
- [VHFcontesting] Contesting Recruitment
John Lindholm
- [VHFcontesting] All Who Wander Are Not Lost. They're Roving!
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] 2009 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes Results
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] N1LF/R Scoring Summary
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] The more things change ...
Tad Danley
- [VHFcontesting] K2TER/R QRV Field Day!
tjennin2 at rochester.rr.com
- [VHFcontesting] Rent a Fire lookout?
Tim Coad
- [VHFcontesting] Does anyone have....
James French
- [VHFcontesting] VE3/KC8QVO up and running in EN39
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] June ARRL VHF
Jerry Siegmund
- [VHFcontesting] Brain pickin' time
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] Brain pickin' time
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Bird 43 Wattmeter and 7/16 DIN Adapters For Sale
- [VHFcontesting] 6 meter FM frequencies
Tad Danley
- [VHFcontesting] Summer MS Contest logs
Summer MS Contest
- [VHFcontesting] Rare grid
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] 222 MHz meteor scatter
David Olean
- [VHFcontesting] hpsdr equipment available
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] W1RT/R results
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] Towers and rovers
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Brain pickin' time
James French
- [VHFcontesting] TIC Ring Rotor Documentation needed
Steven M. Simons
- [VHFcontesting] Items for sale
Kevin Thomas
- [VHFcontesting] Brain pickin' time
jlchapman2 at juno.com
- [VHFcontesting] Does anyone have....
James French
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Keying Mirage brick with IC910H solution
Jon Casamajor
- [VHFcontesting] N8O /Portable Caboose Operation PICs and LOG...
n8ofs at mjbrowns.com
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Jimk8mr at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] Upgrade for your Rover?
Dan Evans
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] Brain pickin' time
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] fixing 3G toshiba amps
John D'Ausilio
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Duane - N9DG
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] (no subject)
Bruce Herrick
- [VHFcontesting] N8O /Portable Caboose Operation PICs and LOG...
n8ofs at mjbrowns.com
- [VHFcontesting] K8KRG FD 6M plans...
n8ofs at mjbrowns.com
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Christopher Burke
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Ward Silver
- [VHFcontesting] Field Day
- [VHFcontesting] A Twitter Spotting Proposal
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] Field Day Plans (W9GO EN60)
- [VHFcontesting] Rules Interpretations
Les Rayburn
- [VHFcontesting] [Fourlanders] 6m open/FD
Bob Mantell
- [VHFcontesting] Contest contacts on 222 and 1296
Ed M
- [VHFcontesting] "Handing Out" radio rules/ethics
Ev Tupis
- [VHFcontesting] Contest contacts on 222 and 1296
Jimk8mr at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] Contest contacts on 222 and 1296
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Handing out things (for thinking about not discussion)
Mike (KA5CVH) Urich
- [VHFcontesting] For Sale 1296 xvtr
kr7o at vhfdx.com
- [VHFcontesting] Rule 2.3.1....
Christopher Burke
- [VHFcontesting] Contest contacts above 144
Rick R
- [VHFcontesting] Rule 3.3.1....
James French
- [VHFcontesting] VE3/KC8QVO EN39 operations concluded June 25
steve d
- [VHFcontesting] Handing out things (for thinking about not discussion)
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] 2008 ARRL August UHF and 10 GHz Contest Certificates
Kutzko, Sean, KX9X
- [VHFcontesting] Dealing with the mismatch of using hardline coax
Chet, N8RA
- [VHFcontesting] CQ on 1296
Michael Sapp
- [VHFcontesting] Is NC Chapter PVRC Still Active
- [VHFcontesting] For Sale 17B2 2 meter beam
Ric Myers
- [VHFcontesting] Dealing with the mismatch of using hardline coax
James Duffey
- [VHFcontesting] Contest contacts on 222 and 1296
aa4zz at aol.com
- [VHFcontesting] Fresh updates to http://www.kc9bqa.com
Todd Sprinkmann
Last message date:
Tue Jun 30 21:38:50 PDT 2009
Archived on: Wed Jul 1 08:46:52 PDT 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).